• 5-7年经验
  • 博士
  • 招2人
  • 03-03 发布
  • 做五休二
  • 周末双休
  • 五险一金
  • 节日福利


岗位职责:1. 组织制定产业重点项目的全球临床开发策略。2. 审核重点项目的临床方案和总结报告初稿。3. 对公司在研项目临床试验过程中出现的问题组织内外部资源予以解决。4. 负责公司医学条线的专业能力的建设,提升公司临床专业能力。5. 对产业拟开发的疾病领域、靶点和技术方向提出专业意见,对研发型成员企业拟立项方向提出专业意见。6. 审阅IND,NDA及其他注册相关资料,对与监管机构的会议及交流提供医学支持。7. 负责临床外部专家资源的开发与维护,根据需要召开专家咨询会。8. 其他CMO交办的工作。 职能类别: 医药技术研发管理人员




Viva Biotech Ltd. ------- Expert in Preclinical Biology Services Viva Biotech, a Contract Research Organization (CRO), is dedicated to providing drug discovery biology service to global pharmaceutical and biotech companies. Viva has a team of leading scientists in drug discovery industry, many with over 10 years pharmaceutical and drug discovery experience in senior positions within companies such as Pfizer, Merck, Charles River, Millennium, Arqule, Enanta, Abbott and at premier academic institutions such as Harvard, Stanford, Cornell, Duke, Hughes Institute and the Burnham Institute. With our experienced team and efficient technology platforms, Viva is your partner for increasing efficiency and cutting the cost of drug discovery. Viva, with strong financial backing, is strategically located in the world-renowned biotech and pharmaceutical base, Zhangjiang high-tech industrial park, Shanghai, China. Viva aims to provide biology focused services supporting drug discovery and deliberately has no internal drug discovery activities to avoid any conflict of interest with its clients.
