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职位描述: 1、Supervise the quality management related to clinical trials under Clinical Director 在临床研究部总监指导下管理临床研究项目的质量;a)Draft clinical trial audit plan and implement the audits in China制定临床研究项目的稽查计划并对临床研究项目稽查;b)Review and follow up the response for all audit reports in China, and summarize the audit findings and conduct the relevant training 审阅所有稽查报告的回复及跟进,并汇总稽查问题及进行培训。c)Provides consultancy on quality related issues for clinical trials 对临床试验相关的质量问题提供咨询。2、Supervise the compliance related to clinical trials under Clinical QA Manager 在临床研究部QA经理监指导下管理临床研究相关的合规工作;a)Assistant to improve clinical trial quality management system of Innovent , draft clinical trial related SOPs, and review and update SOPs regularly. 协助完善公司质量管理体系,制定临床研究相关SOP,定期审阅及完善SOP;b)Hosts Sponsor audits and Regulatory Authority inspections per Company’s policies and procedures.根据公司SOP接待申办方稽查和监管部门视察。3、Supervise the training related to clinical trials under QM QA 在临床研究部QA经理指导下管理临床研究相关的培训工作;a)Conduct SOP training and assessment internally in China对本部门员工及临床研究相关人员进行SOP培训与考核;b)Provides guidance to less experience staff and supervise other quality related initiatives inChina. 辅导缺乏经验的员工, 监督其它质量相关工作。 职能类别: 临床研究员 临床协调员 关键字: CRA 临床稽查 临床QA 临床QC CRO PM




Company Profile Garlison human resources co., LTD., founded in 2010, is China's domestic the most growth force, and talent solutions focused on enterprise's comprehensive professional consultant company, the headquarters is located in SIP. Scope of business Its focus on Healthcare field talent searching and its core service for multinational nation company and well-known growth companies. 嘉力盛咨询管理有限公司,总部位于苏州,是一家专注于企业人才解决方案的综合性的专业顾问公司。 嘉力盛成立至今已成功为多家国内外知名企业提供满意的人力资源服务,案例成功率达70%以上,客户满意度近95%。赢得客户和业界的良好口碑。 对于以“诚信、专业、创新”取胜的嘉力盛,时刻铭记公司使命,以持续不断的学习态度,依托专业的咨询团队正逐步成长为行业领跑者,成为企业和人才最信赖的人力资源合作伙伴。
