03-06 发布
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CITL is open for applications and nominations for the position of a full-time Director/Associate Director. ShanghaiTech focuses on learning outcome based education, with traditional and project/research based strategies for lesson, subject and program design. CITL’s mission is to promote the professional development of faculty through teaching training programs, assessment on teaching and learning, information technology and academic support. Job Description: Director/Associate Director reports to Vice President. His or her responsibilities include: ? Lead the team of CITL, oversee the center’s administration, and contribute to its strategic planning and the smooth operation of the center ? Develop, implement, and assess pedagogical professional development programs across the university ? Serve as an administrative liaison to committees for faculty development, collaborate with committees on professional development, assessment, information technology, academic support, and consultation. ? Assist faculty in exploration and experimentation with innovative teaching methods and tools ? Produce internal reports and key documents on the CITL work ? Coordinate with the schools, teaching center across the university. Requirements: ? Five-year teaching experiences of STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and math) education or a related field ? Knowledge of theories and practices of teaching and learning; working knowledge of assessment paradigms and e-learning including the role of technology in instructional effectiveness ? Passion in the wide range of approaches to teaching and learning ? Effective academic administrative skills ? Excellent written and communication skills ? Strong organizational and administrative skills ? Chinese-speaking is preferred How to apply: Please send an email to Vice President Jinkang Gong at gongjk@shanghaitech.edu.cn with ? A cover letter (of 1–2 pages) that addresses your qualifications and interests. ? A current curriculum vitae with complete contact information for two references. About ShanghaiTech: Newly established ShanghaiTech University offers a stimulating environment for pursuing studies and impactful research. Officially approved to open on September 30th 2013 by Ministry of Education, ShanghaiTech University, located at the core of ZhangJiang Comprehensive National Science Center, is a research university of academic excellence jointly established by Shanghai Municipal Government and Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). ShanghaiTech is dedicated to be a research university of academic excellence and a dynamic people centered hub where innovative research, education, and community service meet to provide a multi-disciplinary approach to learning and to solving global challenges. Focusing on science and technology, ShanghaiTech consists of five schools - School of Physical Science and Technology (SPST), School of Information Science and Technology (SIST), School of Life Science and Technology (SLST), School of Entrepreneurship and Management (SEM), School of Creative Arts (SCA) - and three research institutes - Shanghai Institute for Advanced Immunochemical Studies (SIAIS), iHuman Institute, Institute of Mathematical Sciences. ShanghaiTech is committed to serve the national development strategy. ShanghaiTech seeks innovative solutions to address the challenges that China is facing in the field of energy, materials, environment, life sciences, pharmaceutical development, human health, data science, artificial intelligence (AI), and electrical engineering etc. thus to improve productivity driven by innovation, and contribute to the restructuring and development of China. For more Information about the university, please visit www.shanghaitech.edu.cn. 职能类别: 科研人员 生物工程/生物制药
上海科技大学是一所由上海市人民政府与中国科学院共同举办、共同建设,由上海市人民政府主管的小规模、高水平、国际化的创新型大学,2013年9月30日经教育部批准同意正式建立。学校位于上海—浦东新区—张江高科技园中区—中科院上海浦东科技园内,与中科院上海高等研究院、国家蛋白质科学中心上海、中科院上海药物所新药创制平台、上海微小卫星工程中心、上海同步辐射光源等科研机构和大科学装置融为一体,与张江高新区的产业界、投资界有机衔接。 学校以理工科和管理学科为主,实行大学院制,学院下不设系,设立物质科学与技术学院、生命科学与技术学院、信息科学与技术学院和创业与管理学院四个学院,和免疫化学研究所、iHuman研究所两个研究所。 学校按照1:10–1:12的师生比建设一支1000人规模的专任教师队伍,规划选聘500位常任教授和500位特聘教授。其中,常任教授主要来源于国际著名大学的知名学者和优秀青年学者,实行常任教授制(Tenure System);特聘教授主要来源于中科院上海分院研究(院)所的优秀科学家以及外籍著名教授。截至2016年11月,已选聘常任教授120位,特聘教授287位。专任教师队伍中包括诺贝尔奖获得者3位、美国国家科学院院士6位、英国皇家学会院士2位、中国科学院院士26位、中国工程院院士3位、“中央千人”24位、“外专千人”2位、“上海千人”14位、“青年千人”32位、“杰青”95位。 上科大培养本科生、硕士研究生、博士研究生以及专业学位研究生,在校学生规模规划为本科生2000名,研究生4000名。2013年学校招收了首届296名中科院联培研究生。2014年学校面向全国9省市招收了首届207名本科生。首届(2013级)中科院联培硕士研究生已于2016年7月顺利毕业。截至2016年11月,学校共有在籍学生2155人,其中本科生853人,中科院联培硕士研究生1100人,中科院联培博士研究生202人。 学校积极投身教育全球化,与多所国际一流大学在教师培养、课程共享、双学位和学生交换、学术交流、合作科研等方面开展全方位务实合作,并积极拓展与国内一流大学的交流合作关系。目前学校已与加州大学伯克利分校、芝加哥大学、帕多瓦大学签署校级合作协议,首批32名本科生已于2015年暑期赴加州伯克利、芝大进行课程学习和文化交流;与南加州大学电影学院开展项目合作,并正在与加州理工学院、麻省理工学院、牛津大学等学校深入探讨合作事宜。与此同时,学校致力于逾越科技与产业间的“死亡之谷”,充分发挥自身区位优势,与区域内乃至全球的知名高科技企业在联合研发、联合培养等方面开展实质性合作。
制药工程师(上海) 4-6千/月
高级验证工程师 (职位编号:011) 0.8-1万/月
医疗器械高级销售代表 0.8-1万/月
销售工程师 0.6-1万/月
注册专员 0.6-1.2万/月
医学编辑 6-8千/月
临床项目/转化医学项目主管 1.2-3万/月
销售主任 6-8千/月
药物制剂经理 (职位编号:002) 20-30万/年
实验室化验员 3-5千/月
维修工程师 4.5-6千/月
产品开发工程师 7-9千/月
实验室检验员 4.5-9千/月
医药学术推广业务员(底薪+高额提成+五险一金) 4.5-6千/月