Duties and Responsibilities:In full alignment with the Spring Training Manager and the Project Manager, implement the global Spring L&T strategy locally. Implement the global “train the trainer” approach and monitor it during the deployment of the project locally.Coordinate the logistic and communication to all parties involved (Project staff, Super Users, Users, other stakeholders).Pilot the scheduling for all training delivery and provide notifications to both learners and trainers.Arrange all necessary equipment and materials required to run training including computers, and data shows.Manage room bookings, setup and testing of equipment priori to training.Provide the relevant catering mode depending on the type of training sessions.Follow up and report training completion, attendance and pass rates.Identify and report the additional training needs for the End-Users that required to attend complementary training modules.Report to project management on issues related to training and knowledge transfer.Ensure all e-learning and training materials are published and maintained on the Learning Management System.Advice on training plans for the local organization after project closure.Through the training activities, contribute to change across the business.Requirements:Education and Training:Bachelor Administration degree as a minimum.Good English.Work Experience:At least 3 to 5 years of successful experience within a large organization, in training administration and logistics activities supporting major training programs in the industry.A previous SAP and deployment experience is preferred: including timing required to train SAP functional application, methods for remote training, SAP standard training and certification offering, local support coordination, project knowledge transfer, creation of training documentation, logistics involved in local and remote training.A good pharmaceutical industry experience in technical and auditable sites is preferred. 职能类别: 其他 关键字: global
关于高德美, 一家皮肤科制药公司皮肤是人体内独一无二的系统,所以皮肤病学要求专业的知识和专有的技术.高德美公司成立的初衷就是要创立一家专注于皮肤病学的制药公司.在过去三十多年里,我们所有的资源和力量都朝向同一个方向:为粉刺、红斑粉刺、牛皮癣以及其他类固醇反应性皮肤病、甲真菌病(真菌指甲传染)、色素失调、皮肤癌的病人及医师提供创新性皮肤病学医疗解决方案,并针对皮肤衰老提供皮肤美化和纠正解决方案。我们治疗的各种皮肤状况其实是病人每天日常生活的强烈的心理和社会影响的投射所以在治疗这些疾病的时候,我们帮助病人维护,恢复和维持健康的肌肤状态,并改善他们的生活质量。今天,高德美已经成为致力于为全世界提供创新性医疗解决方案、满足人们在人生不同阶段的需求并服务于全球医疗从业者的皮肤病学专业公司。公司拥有三十三家全资子公司,销售网络遍布全球,员工超过五千人,产品畅销七十多个国家。我们每年投资的19%用于发现和研发全新的皮肤病学解决方案、产品和创新科技。高德美是世界上领先的皮肤病学研发企业之一。五家***研发中心,五座制造工厂,用于打造各种创意医疗解决方案,满足最高等级的安全性和有效性。