11-09 发布
职位描述: Job scope:1.Develop and lead a highly motivated and well-trained team and ensure skilled staff and services in place to support execution of operational plan.2.Set up medical objectives, develop medical strategies and tactics, and make medical plans for related disease area and take actions strictly following the plans.3.Develop medical related SOPs and make plans for the training and implementation of the SOPs;4.Coordinate Investigator Initiated Studies by close collaboration with investigators and support phase IV clinical studies in China;5.Develop the KOL medical and scientific collaboration plans in accordance with the medical strategies;6.Make external medical information materials for the related disease areas and give presentations at adversary meetings or other medical symposiums7.Make internal medical information training materials for the related disease areas and train both medical and marketing colleagues8.Timely update the latest medical and scientific development in corresponding disease areas9.Contribute to new product development and launches, approval of promotional activities10.Create accurate clinical and technical information for assigned products and provide expert consultation on relevant medical aspects and clinical considerations to Marketing teamRequirements:1.MD, PharmD or PhDin Medical Sciences or related discipline with post-graduate training in dermatology, pediatrics, orthopaedics, respiratory or Internal Medicine2.2-5 years of experience in developing and implementing medical strategies for various diseases in the medical or pharmaceutical industry3.Clinical research and trial management experience, and the ability to interact with KOLs with sufficient knowledge, expertise and confidence4.Well-developed interpersonal and communication skills, experience in medical writing and presentation of scientific/technical information5.Excellent presentation and teaching skills and the ability to represent the company in a professional manner at medical, scientific and public events6.Proficiency in English,Cantonese and Mandarin 职能类别: 医药学术推广 政府事务管理
有关澳美制药集团 澳美制药集团自1993年建基于香港至今,在全球拥有超过5,000名专业人才,我们的业务集科研、开发、生产、销售于一身,是全港最大规模的GMP认证药品生产企业。多年来,澳美制药集团为全球客户不断带来值得信赖的药品,实践「以精湛科技奉献优质药品,以真诚服务致力人类健康」的使命,不断发展,一丝不苟,精益求精,提供老百姓用得起的进口药。 吸纳全球研发精英 澳美制药集团在多个国家和地区设有办事处、研发中心和生产厂房,超过80%的研发精英拥有硕士或以上的专业学位。我们拥有强大药品开发、研制及市场开拓的能力,专门生产质量卓越的药品。澳美制药集团每年增加研发经费的投入,实施新技术改造,吸纳人才和提供培训,各地的研发中心均配备先进高科技的仪器,并以严谨控制设计流程与质量的QbD理念进行研发,为人类提供高质量的产品。澳美制药集团的香港总部更是香港医院管理局指定的抗生素用药供应本地企业,产品畅销香港、中国内地、东南亚、美国、非洲。 推行多元事业发展 澳美制药集团为员工提供全面的在职培训和多元化的事业发展机会,创建了一个开放包容和谐严谨的工作环境,让员工可以根据自己的专长和兴趣,选择不同的发展路线,在不同的发展道路上也可得到相应的认可和回报。澳美制药集团不仅是一个工作的地方,更是一个让您可以学习、成长、实现自己目标与理想的地方,在您加入澳美制药集团的同时,您也加入到拥有1,000多名香港同事及超过4,000名海外同事的大家庭中。在这里,每位员工都能和多元化的人在高度动态的环境下工作,在快速的工作节奏中, 我们期待我们的员工能够以充满活力和敬业的态度奉献自己的最大努力,实现公司的使命和愿景,我们诚邀您与我们一同构建未来。
山东OTC-KA经理 1-2万/月
JobReqID:17021 软件开发工程师 1-1.5万/月
广东OTC-KA经理 1-2万/月
售后工程师(客服工程师) 4-5千/月
合约销售代表-史克项目(驻地:深圳) 5.6-7千/月
销售专员 6-8千/月
市场主管 0.8-1万/月
Verification Supervisor验证主管 1-2万/月
业务跟单员 6-8千/月
(SSMR)(MR)Application Specialist and Coordinator Customer visits /临床应用及客户考察专员(职位编号:TPMT59972)
实验室助理 4.5-6千/月
高级业务员 0.8-1万/月
研发部-药学研究助理工程师 6-8千/月
Verification Supervisor验证主管 1-2万/月
Verification Supervisor验证主管 1-1.8万/月