• 无工作经验
  • 博士
  • 招若干人
  • 11-09 发布


职位描述: 此岗位工作地点在深圳,南方科技大学研究院:研究院介绍 Introduction to Epitas Biosciences南方科技大学生物系及南科大乐土精准医学研究院是南方科技大学新近创建的综合性生物医学研究室。研究室的运作宗旨是研究和转化并重,旨在创造一批世界级的实验室和工作室。现在已确定的研究和开发方向包括1)表观遗传学;2)肿瘤生物系;3)人工智能药物;4)免疫炎症和感染;5)神经科学;6)发育生物学;7)心血管生物学;和 8)眼科和视觉等类别。每一个研究和开发方向将由一位或多位在其研究领域有世界级声誉的科学家做为专项课题负责人和导师。The molecular medicine lab of the Department of Biology in Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTECH) is pleased to invite applications from basic and physician scientists for multiple PI, postdoctoral fellow, and lab assistant positions in the fields of Cancer, immunology, neuroscience, cardiovascular, and ophthalmology. Applicants must have an M.D. and/or Ph.D. or equivalent degree and have demonstrated excellent qualifications in research and education.上班地址:深圳市学苑大道南方科技大学工作职责:1.可担任南方科技大学生物系及南科大乐土精准医学研究院首席科学家、项目带头人或博士后。2.根据项目团队需求,提出工作目标和工作方法,带领和指导研究助理进行科学实验,完成科研目标。3.对研究助理的实验技术和数据分析进行指导,对结果进行分析总结,并向项目团队汇报。4.参与公司管理事务和其他业务,参与外部沟通交流。应聘要求:1.海内外生物学,生物工程学,和医学专业博士学位获得者。 以及具有与前沿交叉医学相关的药物学,抗体和小分子药物、信息学和计算生物学,数学或医学统计学专业博士学位获得者。2.为人诚实和有自我动力及团队合作精神。3.具有扎实的本专业基础及相关科研经历;统计学及医学统计学基础和经验。 4.熟练的英文写作和交流能力 。5.在相关专业领域国际水平刊物发表过较高水平文章或具有海外研究经历者优先。Job Responsibilities:1.Work in SUSTC with the title of senior scientist (or PI, investigator, group leader). Or provided with the opportunity to work as postdoctoral fellowship.2.Under the leading of project team, set goal and strategy, guide and work with the research assistants to handle experiments3.Guide the research assistant for experimental detail, data analysis, interpretation,trouble-shooting and report writing. Present work progress to management and project team.4.Participate in the company management. Communicate with external research groups.Job Requirements:The lab is seeking outstanding and highly motivated individuals with demonstrated potential for creative research and excellent technology in he/her expertise who are interesting on the central problems in the fields addressed above. The successful applicant will be located at the newly renovated facility of SUSTECH’s state-of-the-art Campus. This Institute also fosters close collaboration with interdisciplinary on campus, Hong Kong, and nationwide. The SUSTECH is located at Shenzhen, a vibrant city of China, only 20 miles away from Hong Kong. The lab is a newly established in SUSTECH campus and many internationally renowned scholars have joined it. 职能类别: 生物工程/生物制药 医药技术研发管理人员 关键字: 生物科技创新 表观遗传学 生物医药研发 肿瘤新药研发 博士 博士后 张江 药谷 研究主管 investigator




华谱泰仕生物科技有限公司是全新创立的高新生物科技和生物医药研发公司,成立于2016年7月。利用表观遗传学研究手段,开展针对癌症等重大疾病的新药和诊断治疗手段的研究与开发,同时开展一系列创新性国际前沿的生物技术的应用开发,满足中国及全球患者的医学需求。 公司创始团队聚集了一批经验丰富的海归创业人才。核心团队由来自中国科学院、新加坡国立大学、复旦大学、南方科技大学等研究单位的海内外一流教授和学者,以及在国际顶尖药企具有丰富研发经验的精英人士组成。 公司正处于快速发展阶段,正在上海张江药谷建立研发中心,现诚聘有志于生物医学和生物技术的各路英才加入创业。公司可为员工提供新药研发和生物科技转化相关的知识和培训,实现个人提升和职业发展的快速通道,与公司一同成长。 Epitas Biosciences, founded in 2016,is a start-up biotech company based in Shanghai and Shenzhen, aiming at innovations. We focus on discovering and developing innovative biotechnologies and medicines by making breakthrough in epigenetics for unmet medical needs of cancer and other primary diseases. Epitas is building up a strong portfolio of cutting-edge biotechnical programs in Shanghai centor and has a world class leadership team with deep experience in both academic research and drug discovery industry. Epitas is committed to building a globally leading drug research and development powerhouse with a culture of excellence and teamwork and a strong focus on fostering innovation and creativity.
