• 5-7年经验
  • 招若干人
  • 英语熟练
  • 11-09 发布


职位描述: For our Healthcare in Shanghai, we are looking for a Senior Electronics Engineer at earliest opportunity.-Work with international team to development CT (Computed Tomography) product, with focusing on CT control system development with field of FPGA design and Electronics board design.What are my responsibilities?-FPGA development, including design and verification.-Specify, design, and verify electronic board.-Maintenance of components, e.g. troubleshooting for installed based and production line.What do I need to qualify for this job?-More than 5 years of experience in FPGA development (Xilinx and Altera chips), Xilinx relevant experience would be preferred.-Expertise in VHDL and Verilog programming, VHDL would be preferred.-Special working experience in Medical and/or Communication industry would be preferred.-Expertise in schematic design with FPGA, ARM, MCU processors and Peripheral interfaces, e.g. PCIe, UART, CAN, Ethernet, SPI, I2C, I2S.-Fluent English in both writing and speaking.What Else do I need to know? - Siemens is dedicated to quality, equality, and valuating diversity and we welcome applications that reflect the diversity of the communities within which we work. Please find more information at: http://www.careers.siemens.com.cnHow do I apply? - We are looking forward to receiving your online -application. Please send your resume to recruitment_healthcare@siemens.com- To submit your application on-line, please click the button “Apply”.Contact - If you want to know more Siemens job opportunities, please be free to log in our career websitehttp://www.careers.siemens.com.cn- If you have further questions regarding this job opportunities, please be free to contact us by email to recruitment_healthcare@siemens.com提醒:  点击“西门子专属申请”,您将会进入西门子专属招聘系统,进入系统后您可以在页面右上方的下拉菜单,选择简体中文页面,并请遵循下面的规则设置您的系统密码。   密码设置规则:密码长度必须在8个字符以上,并且必须包含英文大写字母,小写字母和数字。例如:Ab123456 职能类别: 医疗器械研发



上海西门子医疗器械有限公司(http://www.healthcare.siemens.com.cn/about-us-cn/healthcare-development-ssme-cn)成立于1992年,是西门子(中国)有限公司下属的独资公司。目前公司致力于计算机断层扫描诊断设备(CT)、X光机诊断设备、及其零部件的研发生产。相关客户服务也是我们业务的重要组成部分。公司并参与Soarian MedSuite 的全球研发及在中国的项目实施。公司被上海市政府授予高新技术企业称号。 上海西门子医疗器械有限公司不仅是西门子供应全球市场的医疗影像设备制造基地,而且是西门子医疗影像设备和医疗软件的研发中心之一。公司拥有800多名员工,其中研发人员超过270人。 上海西门子医疗器械有限公司位于上海国际医学园区(周祝公路278号),占地面积10万平方米,其中各类研发及生产区域占地超过35000平方,总投资超过3亿多人民币,是西门子医疗业务领域在亚太地区最大的研发和制造中心,也是目前上海最大的医疗器械研发生产高科技企业之一。 近几年来,公司发展尤为迅速。 CT业务部门成功研发制造了双层螺旋CT SOMATOM Spirit,以及6层16层螺旋CT SOMATOM Emotion系列。X光机部门则成功地向市场推出了中国热销的X射线拍片系统Aristos VX Plus等优质产品。 公司的客户服务部门,提供培训,区域技术支持及各类零备件的物流服务。 公司的医疗软件部门致力于研发和实施西门子全球化和本地化的Soarian MedSuite产品 公司将继续加大研发力度,为市场提供更多高品质的医疗设备和医疗软件,为健康水准的普遍提高作出积极贡献。 公司地址:上海市浦东新区周祝公路278号 邮  编:201318 公司网站:http://www.healthcare.siemens.com.cn/about-us-cn/healthcare-development-ssme-cn 公司邮箱:recruitment_healthcare@siemens.com
