11-09 发布
职位描述: Firmenich is a leading international Company with headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. Our reputation for excellence as a creator and manufacturer of specialty chemicals, flavors and perfumery products is recognized worldwide. From our award-winning fragrances to our irresistible candy ingredients, our teams have been combining experience and innovation to perfume and flavor our clients' products for our mutual success.Our R&D Center in Shanghai, China, is currently looking for a dedicated and reliable individual to join our team as:R&D Scientist – Food Chemistry LaboratoryThe successful candidate is a highly motivated, goal-oriented individual who will assist in the development of the activities of our Food Chemistry Laboratory in Shanghai. The incumbent will work as part of an innovation team and, as such, is expected to be able to carry out both independent and team-oriented research projects:Job Responsibility?Design and plan own experiments, as well as those of direct-reports, ensuring timely delivery based on established priorities.?Execute short and long term R&D projects in food science. For example, establish methods to ferment or thermally process food ingredients based on the understanding of the role of starting materials, process parameters and relevant pathways.?Carry out literature and patent searches related to food fermentation and food chemistry.?Report own work in the form of research reports, publications and presentations at project meetings, thus contributing to decision-making processes.?Provide support to the Senior Scientist and manage the work of one laboratory technician.?Maintain expertise by keeping up with scientific literature, competitors’ products and participation in scientific seminars and meetings.Profile and requirements?Ph. D. degree in food science, food chemistry, microbiology, or related field with several years of postgraduate research experience.?Capable of developing business-related research proposals and to timely conduct subsequent project activities.?Sound knowledge in microbiology and flavor chemistry.?Expertise and good hands-on skills in fermentation of food. Relevant industry experience is a plus.?Team spirit, flexibility, good communication skills?Fluent in English. 职能类别: 食品/饮料研发 生物工程/生物制药 关键字: 食品 发酵 天然 代谢产物 益生菌
总部位于瑞士日内瓦的Firmenich公司是一家具有100多年历史的国际化的私营公司,亦是全球最大的从事香精原料研究和生产的公司,无论是技术力量还是销售额(28亿瑞士法郎)均在世界同行业中名列前茅。自1895年我们公司创建以来,我们坚信高质量、创造和革新是我们生产经营之本。为此,我们每年投入大量资金(每年10%的销售额)用于研究和开发, 其中一项科研成果曾获诺贝尔化学奖。 Firmenich的食用香精覆盖整个食品行业所可能使用和必要使用的各类香精,产品分成三大系列:甜味食品、饮料和咸味食品。目前,芬美意是世界最大的粉末香精供应商。 Firmenich日化香精部为日用品行业调制许多新型的香精,产品分成四大系列:香水、个人洗护产品、家居洗护产品和单体原料。 芬美意香料(中国)有限公司落户于上海闵行莘庄工业区,集生产、产品开发及服务于一身,引进先进的设备和最现代的管理系统。其崭新的面貌无疑将提升芬美意在中国的竞争力。目前,芬美意在在中国的年销售额超过十亿人民币。 详情请参见: 英文官方网站:www.firmenich.com 中文官方网站:www.firmenich.com.cn 公司向员工提供专业的知识技能培训和个人成长的空间。为了配合公司业务不断发展的需要,现诚聘所述人才。 有意者请于两周内将个人中英文简历和学历证书复印件(简历上注明申请职位)寄至本公司或E-mail至本公司邮箱: HR.Recruiting.Firchina@firmenich.com 。 请勿将简历投递去任何转载本公司职位的网站,此类网站多属非法中介。
偏差变更专员 3-4.5千/月
储备生 3.5-4.5千/月
无菌检验员 3-4.5千/月
QC主管 5-7千/月
QC理化分析 3-4.5千/月
QC无菌检验 3-4.5千/月
QC主管 5-7千/月
包材检验员 3-4.5千/月
验证专员 4-4.5千/月
实验平台技术支持 0.8-1万/月
分子检测平台研发主管 1-1.5万/月
分子检测平台研发人员 0.7-1万/月
平台主管 0.8-1万/月
实验操作员(核算制备) 6-8千/月
实验员(核酸制备) 6-8千/月