11-09 发布
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- 专业培训
职位描述: ?* Knowledge of the protocols and through knowledge of the examinations and procedures in connection with the Study Nurse position as discussed in the protocols and in accordance with the study specific defined responsibility log.?* Thorough knowledge of CCBR procedures and quality control regulations (relevant for the Study Nurse position), which forms the basis of performing clinical studies.?* Knowledge of international/national regulations and instructions for performing clinical studies.?* Perform in a professional, kind and efficient manner, when taking care of study participants.?* Thorough knowledge to the content of the Study File and responsible for the document filling.?* Have a good grasp of the Patient File.?* Responsible for the content of the Patient File, general pages as well as study specific pages.?* Responsible for coordination concerning eligibility in the study enrolment phase.?* Update study staff members on current study procedures and other relevant information.?* Make appointments with Sponsors representative for monitoring.?* Always be updated on the current study status.?* Thorough knowledge of the time schedule.?* Handling of drug supplies.?* Handling of test results.?* Last check of Patient Files and CRF’s.?* To participate in and add information to planned clinic meetings.?* To participate in education and training planned by CCBR.?* To participate in arrangements planned by CCBR, with the purpose of nurturing the solidarity between individual demarcation groups and collaborating groups.?* To participate in subject recruitment program/community out reach.?* Participate in meetings arranged by Study Management Manager/GM; such as investigator meetings, initiation meetings etc. 职能类别: 临床协调员
CCBR,临床与基础研究集团公司(Clinical and Basic Research Group)由全球骨质疏松领域的开拓者与领航者Dr.Claus Christiansen于1992年创办。总部位于丹麦,是一家专门从事临床药物研究的集团公司。在全球17个国家有40多家研究型医院(即临床研究中心),并且我们提供全球一流的医学影像学分折技术及心血管安全指标分析。 西斯比亚(北京)医药技术研究有限责任公司是CCBR在中国区的子公司,创办于2005年9月。作为全球领先的SMO集团,CCBR是国内仅有的全外资SMO。在中国的业务主要包括与国内各大医院按GCP原则联合开展临床研究以及外派临床研究协调员(CRC)业务。目前我们在全国50多个城市200多家医院有CRC业务。
学术推广专员 3-4.5千/月
区域销售经理 3-4.5千/月
药企质量经理 6-8千/月
招投标专员 3-4.5千/月
区域销售经理 3-4.5千/月
技术研发工程师 4.5-6千/月
省区经理(处方药 河南、山东) 20-30万/年
地区经理(第三终端)(职位编号:S2) 1.5-2万/月
车间员工 3-4.5千/月
江西地区经理 0.8-1万/月
电子设备维修(职位编号:008) 5-8千/月
灭菌主管 5-8千/月
工艺员 2-3千/月
招聘江西省县级(第三终端)合作伙伴 1-1.5万/月
内窥镜设备维修月薪5K以上(职位编号:005) 5-8千/月