• 3-4年经验
  • 本科
  • 招1人
  • 11-09 发布
  • 五险一金
  • 定期体检


职位描述: ?PRINCIPAL RESPONSIBILITIES 主要职责  Provide clinical expertise, insight and support to sales, marketing and other corporate departments to sustain and acquire business while maintaining and developing customer loyalty;? Support the appropriate clinical application of Medical products via instruction, education, and understanding of these products and best practices;? Familiar with related medical literature, clinical guidelines, competitive landscape, and industry trends and communicate with sales management and marketing;? Support field sales efforts through clinical, product and procedural training, in-servicing, and required customer follow up;? Identify and expand KOLs base through professional networking, consultation related to best practices and the appropriate use of products;? Identify product attributes necessary to expand into new markets, or capitalize on new clinical applications;? Lead and participate in educational, scientific, and promotional activities;? Adhere to and ensure the compliance of Medical’s Code of Conduct, all Company policies, rules, procedures, and housekeeping standards.EXPERIENCE& KNOWLEDGE工作经验及知识? More than 4 years relevant industry experience? Preferably at least 2 years' experience working in hospital (include intern experience) or CRA/CRS working experience;Adequate English verbal and written skills. 职能类别: 医药学术推广 培训助理 关键字: 专业教育经理 呼吸麻醉




任仕达集团(Randstad Group) 成立于1960年,是全球最大的综合性人力资源服务机构之一,总部位于荷兰阿姆斯特丹。在全球40多个国家和地区设有4700多个分支机构,每天为57万名求职者提供工作岗位。2011年,其全球营业额达到162亿欧元,位列全球财富500强。 任仕达自2005年进入中国市场,总部设在上海,在华北、华东、华南等地区成立了多个分支机构,服务网络覆盖全国100多个一、二线城市,向企业提供包括搜寻与甄选、灵活派遣以及人力资源解决方案在内的全方位人力资源服务。 作为一家充满活力的专业招聘机构,任仕达始终坚持以人为本,不断追求创新。我们寻找才智过人、诚实可靠、胸怀抱负的求职者,把他们推荐给最适合的企业,帮助他们获得最具吸引力的薪酬和工作机会。 无论您是想拓宽职场发展之路,或是寻找正确的职业发展方向,我们的招聘顾问都会随时为您提供服务。 有了我们的协助,美好职业志在必得。 想了解更多详情,请登录任仕达中国网站www.randstad.cn,或在新浪微博上@任仕达,与我们互动。 www.randstad.cn
