11-09 发布
- 五险一金
- 补充医疗保险
- 免费班车
- 员工旅游
- 年终奖金
- 出国机会
- 专业培训
- 定期体检
- 弹性工作
- 餐饮补贴
职位描述: PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITIES1、Coordinate and lead the execution of the assigned R&D projects,and ensure the optimal resource allocation for high efficiency.2、Review and approve synthesis scheme with good balance among timing, cost, efficiency and innovation.3、Monitor the execution of the assigned R&D projects, identify technical problems or technical risk and provide solutions or technical guidance.4、Keep regular communication with and report to Head of Chemistry and HQ responsible person for R&D project, review and initially approve the BC study Final Report.5、Responsible for safety in the division, highly focused on HSE (Health, Safety and Environment) and for taking all reasonable measures, including strict implementation or proposal of relevant SOP, to improve HSE management of the division in compliance with legal requirements as well as company and HQ standards.6、Responsible for IP (company’s or customers’) protection in the division, supervising the execution of relevant IP protection SOPs, identifying potential IP risks in daily work and providing proposal to Head of Chemistry and General Manager.7、Responsible for quality management in the division and for taking all reasonable measures, including developing relevant SOPs, to reduce quality risk, avoid quality issues and improve quality management.8、Responsible for talent management in the division, involving in talent selection, performance management, rewards or incentives, technology transfer, sharing and training, implementation of deputy policy, promotion proposal, etc., and building up a well-experienced, professional and innovative Chemistry R&D team.JOB SPECIFICATIONS1、Master Degree or above in organic chemistry or medicinal chemistry2、Strong knowledge of professional technology and 6+ years of hands-on experience in organic chemistry as well as 3+ years of project management experience.3、Passionate, dedicated, self-motivated, and responding well under high pressure4、Good team management skill,good sense of time management, high level of conscientiousness, proactively taking initiatives,team oriented.5、Good understanding of cost efficiency, lab HSE management and quality management.6、Strong analytical thinking, high degree of independence in problem-solving, good at decision making on a daily basis within the authorized area.7、Good communication skill for R&D project management8、Fluent in English both spoken and written, especially in scientific writing and reporting9、Well experience in scientific literature search, especially in Reaxy, SciFinder, etc. 职能类别: 生物工程/生物制药
巴塞利亚药业(中国)有限公司(原名:江苏原创药物研发中心有限公司)成立于2002年5月,是瑞士巴塞利亚药业公司投资的全资子公司,是一家以药物化学合成和结构分析鉴定为专长,从事国际一类新药研发的专业型公司。公司业务领域包括先导化合物寻找、结构修饰、药理药效研究、临床测试等。 公司拥有雄厚的研发资金和国际尖端医药研究技术的大力支持,其中化学实验室占地6000多平方米,具备高速通风、预冷、预热系统,配备了合成工作所需的各类先进仪器。公司除了开通快速的多种资料查询通道(Beilstein、SciFinder)外,还投入了大量的财力购买国内外的期刊杂志,以及国内外最新出版的原版书籍,并设立专门人员进行管理。此外公司还定期邀请国内知名高校的教授进行学术交流,不断提高科研人员的专业水平。 高质量的科研环境、以人为本的管理理念、多层次的培训发展、丰厚的薪资福利为科研人员的事业发展提供了有力的支持。公司拥有现代化的健身中心,丰富多样的文体活动把员工的业余生活点缀得多姿多彩。 投身于全球医药研究体系,开发具有自主知识产权的原创性新药,为人类的健康和科学的进步而不懈追求是我们的事业。如果您对事业充满热情,具有药物化学、有机化学、分析化学等方面的专业知识和经验,愿意向科学技术难题发起挑战,欢迎加入我们这个充满活力的团队-巴塞利亚药业(中国)有限公司。 公司福利政策: 1、公司员工享受各种国家法定假期,以及带薪年假和带薪病假,公司所有政策均遵守中国政府的法律规定; 2、公司为员工足额缴纳各种社会保险(养老保险、失业保险、工伤保险、生育保险、基本医疗保险、住房公积金)和购买商业人身意外保险、补充住院医疗保险和子女医疗保险; 3、长期留用奖励; 4、公司注重员工的长期服务和对员工的身心、家庭关怀,制定员工特别慰问计划(生日、结婚、生育等)、旅游计划、提供健身中心、定期举办各类球类的比赛、各种晚会聚餐,丰富员工的业余生活等; 5、公司采用人性化的管理及先进的考评体系、提供相互沟通的平台及更多的发展晋升机会; 6、每周往返上海的班车; 7、符合当地人才政策的硕士、博士,每月可领取不同金额的政府人才津贴和租房补贴; 8、外地员工可提供一定金额的安家费; 9、其他项目敬请垂询。 我公司长期诚聘化学类精英人才,并将提供行业内具有竞争力的薪酬福利待遇及良好的培训和个人发展机会!有意者请将个人中英文简历、照片、工作总结、证明人或导师的联系方法等资料发送电子邮件到hr@basilea.com.cn。请同时注明应聘的职位名称。