• 1年经验
  • 招3人
  • 11-09 发布
  • 五险一金
  • 绩效奖金
  • 年终奖金
  • 定期体检
  • 专业培训
  • 员工旅游
  • 出国机会
  • 节假日福利
  • 包住
  • 大病医疗


职位描述: 岗位职责:1. 独立完成文献的查阅和图谱解析,完成部分项目合成路线的合理设计;2. 根据设计好的方案进行人员、试剂等实验资源的统筹安排;3. 熟练地完成化学反应,并对结果做出较全面的分析,能完成具有一定难度的研究项目;4. 解决实验中出现的部分问题;5. 对下级员工的工作给予指导,并对其进行必要的培训;6. 清晰完整规范地完成实验记录,实验报告及客户报告。任职要求:1. 本科及以上学历,有机化学及相关化学专业;2. 具有一年以上有机合成工作经验者,熟悉有机合成单元操作,具有较强的分析解决问题能力;3. 良好的责任心及团队协作精神;4. 良好的职业操守。注:有意申请该职位者,在发送简历的同时,请务必同时附上研究总结,非常感谢! 职能类别: 化工实验室研究员/技术员 医药技术研发人员 关键字: 有机合成 合成 有机 研发 研发人员 研发员 有机合成员




宇瑞(上海)化学有限公司是一家面向未来的科学企业,致力于运用科学的力量为人类寻求可持续发展的解决方案。 公司的使命是:让生活更美好 愿景:成为OLED等材料领域受人尊敬的领导者,为客户创造更大价值 价值观:成就客户 积极乐观 持续精进 开放合作 OLED 是一个高速发展的行业,UIV作为OLED材料行业的领导者,始终以客户为中心,以奋斗者为本,致力于为人类创造更美好幸福的生活。 公司是上海市高新技术企业,上海市专精特新中小企业,曾获得黑马大赛全球赛前3强,获得国际知名的投资公司股权投资,是三星,LG等公司的合作伙伴。 UIV在紧邻上海嘉善拥有8000平方的研发中心,1200平方的洁净厂房,各项进口检测分析设备。 尤为重要的,拥有一支国际***的OLED和化学领域专家,同时我们诚邀更多的专家和各个岗位的奋斗者加盟我们。 一起抓住OLED的大好机遇,实现人生的梦想,造福于社会。 UIV Chem is a future-oriented scientific enterprise, is committed to using the power of science for human to seek sustainable development solutions, "better life" is her eternal mission. Today, wide range of high quality products have been serving in many areas:chemistry, medicine, biology, OLED electronics, new energy, etc.. Based on the global demand of sustainable development, UIV Chem established a new company--Yurui (shanghai) chemical co.,ltd, relying on the strong support of the Group company and many brothers company, Yurui gets rapid and steady growth since founded. Now has her own R & D center, three production base (Zhejiang, Henan, Shandong), and established close cooperative relationships with many prestigious universities. Can quickly and efficiently provide a variety of organic compounds, OLED intermediates and noble metal catalyst and so on, Main including: Carbazole, Fluorene, Anthracene, Boronic acid, Naphthaline, Thiophene, Imidazole derivatives, Organic phosphorus compounds, Amino acid protects reagents and Palladium, Platinum, Ruthenium, Rhodium, Iridium catalysts and advanced materials. Also can provide custom synthesis from the laboratory scale to commercial production. UIV Chem has always been implementing the concept of sustainable development, efforts to achieve shorter development cycles, reduce research costs, in a more efficient way to use the earth's resources, to create more value for our customers and other related body, to provide more reasonable solution according customers' needs. With the development of science, make the life of people safer, more comfortable and better! Ruiyuan Vision: through our continuous efforts, to become a respected leader in the material industry and fine chemicals fields, to become "sustainable development leader" in the global chemical industry. Better life,We are trying to make your life better and better
