11-09 发布
职位描述: POSITION SUMMARY AND KEY RESPONSIBILITIES(职位概述和主要职责)1. Obtain all tender information in responsible area, support distributors to prepare tender for win with marketing team. -15%准备所辖地区招投标信息,与市场部共同支持经销商招投标及赢标2. Set up distributor system in responsible area, analysis potential sales estimation at hospitals base, negotiate with distributors to occupy distributor more energy and engagement on hospital listing. -10%建立所辖地区经销商体系,在以医院手术量数据为分析基础上,找到适合的经销商,逐步占有经销商的时间和团队完成进院。3. Focusing on develop and grow distributor business and quality as well as quantity to maximize Bai Mei’s market opportunity. – 5%集中所有精力挖掘市场机会,提升销量,并且匹配合格的经销商共同抓住机会,发展当地业务4. Manage distributors’ annual sales target setting, monthly order submission, timely cash payment, and adequate stock. -15%管理经销商年度销售目标设定,月度订单提交,和及时付款,及合理库存5. Forecast the product type and quantity of distributors’ orders at the beginning of each month, and work with supply chain team to guarantee supplies. -10%按照产品类型预算每月销量,并且就此预算与经销商达成一致并下单6. Oversee the accuracy and timeliness of distributors’ sales data entry into in-market sales system. -5%确保能够取得月度经销商销售明细并且填入公司in-market销售系统7. Collaborate with marketing team to encourage and monitor distributors’ efforts at the hospital level. -15%与市场团队合作激励经销商做好渠道管理医院骨干医生/护士长的技术推广,客情关系和品牌忠诚度,并监督经销商的执行8. Support distributors hold/attend marketing events for surgeons/ Chief OR nurse education – 5%支持经销商邀请外科对应科室医生和手术室护士长召开/参加市场教育活动9. Interact with senior opinion leaders in the respective class of trades -5%掌握KOL对于百枚公司现在及未来产品策略的观点甚至参与制定,为缝线上市铸造进院及技术推广的基础10. Keep close tap of competitor activities, pricing, product launch and discounts for market analysis, and communicate with marketing personnel to ensure that they all understand the information to help product sales. -10%收集竞争对手活动,价格,产品上市,促销信息给予市场部,并且保持主动,及时,积极的态度与市场部沟通并且拿出解决方案11. Cooperate with RCM to analyze regional sales and provide advice. developing and Strategy program promotion and strictly follow the provisions of laws and regulatory compliance of Biomate- 5%支持大区经理进行区域市场分析,提出解决方案,并且严格遵循百枚公司的合规章程SKILLS AND ABILITIES(技能)1. With sales and commercial skills, medical background is highly preferred 具备销售商务技能,医学背景优先2. Possessing logical thinking and analytical thinking. 逻辑思维,分析思维3. Good communication skills and negotiation skills. 良好沟通和谈判技巧4. Strong sense of responsibility and hard working. 敬业度高,恪尽职守DESIRABLE(优先条件)1. Bachelor degree or above in related field. 大学毕业2. Over 10 years’ work experience in relevant industry. 10年以上工作经验3. Over 1 year’s team management experience especially in west-north China 在西北五省市场,1年以上带人经验的销售/商务候选人 职能类别: 医疗器械销售经理/主管 医疗器械市场推广
home base
上海百玫医疗科技有限公司(Shanghai BioMate Medical Co., Ltd.)成立于2016年,旨在成为一家集研发、生产、营销、培训及服务为一体的医疗供应商,为医院提供世界领先水平的创新医疗器械产品,推广新的手术方式,提高医生手术效率,提升患者医疗体验及生活质量。 百玫医疗研发中心及工厂设在上海嘉定,公司的营销、培训及服务中心设在上海市区。公司现阶段将投资组建位于上海市区的团队,在市场调研、品牌及产品管理、销售、培训及服务等各职能招募一流人才,为百玫旗下多个产品线提供支持,使百玫成为中国医疗领域的专业创新者。
电子商务 3-4.5千/月
营销总监/经理(最好有团队) 3-4.5千/月
医疗器械及医疗耗材的销售 5-6万/年
实验室技术员 3-4.5千/月
医疗器械及医用耗材销售 5-6万/年
驻院代表 3-4.5千/月
医药销售代表 3-4.5千/月
技术工程师(职位编号:DH0002) 0.5-1万/月
OTC销售 2-3千/月
药品研发员(质量分析) 6-8千/月
OTC销售 3-4.5千/月
行政文员 2-3千/月
技术员(检验) 3-4.5千/月
MSL/医学信息联络官(2680) 2-2.5万/月
投标专员 2.5-3.5千/月