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  • 11-09 发布


职位描述: Responsibilities:1. Be the oversea customer’s key contact and interface for all quality related aspects and fully responsible for handling customer quality complaints.2. Act as focal point for all quality related customer communications (internally and externally)3. Work with customers to verify and understand customer preference, Address customer issues and update customers in a timely manner regarding to the status of the quality issues or enquires4. Provide feedback to internal team regarding to customers demand on quality standard, expectation on product quality, and drive for continuous improvementsPrepare and update all necessary quality reports as required by customers.Qualifications:1.3+ years in oversea Customer Quality Engineering with Root Cause Failure Analysis knowledge and exemplary direct customer support skills2.Strong analytical and problem solving skills3.Excellent verbal and written communication skills, able to provide quality interface at any level4.Good understanding of and able to communicate in English. Knowledge in other language is an advantage5.Team oriented and responsive, be able to work under high pressure。6.Strong ability and willing to learn new technical and with practical ability. 职能类别: 医疗器械生产/质量管理




珠海世康雅陶齿有限公司是一家专业从事义齿系列产品制作、研发的企业,公司注册资本3013万人民币,位于花园式的海滨城市--珠海。公司已取得iso13485:2003质量管理体系认证和美国fda认证。公司产品主要出口欧美。 公司引进当今国际上最先进的义齿加工设备和制作工艺,拥有一支技术过硬和经验丰富的技术队伍,整洁有序的工作环境,人性化与制度化相结合的管理模式,严谨的工作态度,先进的质量管理体系,以确保向牙科医师、患者提供最适合个人需要的口腔修复体,从而以最优良的产品和最完善的服务赢得广大牙科医师的一致好评。 珠海世康雅公司本着务实、进取、精益求精的精神将应附物的制作技术水平达到近乎天然齿的完美状态,公司在不断开展内部培训的同时,还聘请了国外一流的专业技师驻厂指导,通过不断的努力,共同创造一个***的牙科医疗环境。 公司于2012年7月初移居至位于三灶镇中心位置,厂区建筑面积达30000平方米(含有饭堂、活动室、篮球场、厂区花园和300多间宿舍等);环境优美、周边生活交通配套设施便利,厂区100米范围内有长途汽车总站、小学、中学、银行、超市、食街和商业街。 员工福利: 1.    提供食宿(宿舍配套空调、热水器、网络等) 2.    每年定期为员工安排健康体检; 3.    每年组织员工集体活动。 世康雅成就你充满自信与美的笑容。 公司网址:http://www.skydentallabs.com/
