11-09 发布
- 绩效奖金
- 五险一金
- 通讯补贴
职位描述: optimum medical solutions 是英国首屈一指的医疗器械公司。产品销售到超过300个nhs机构和全球60个国家。目前,oms创造和运营的品牌有optilube 和optilube active等,其中optilube 占有欧洲85-90%的市场份额。在欧洲除了总部英国,法国巴黎、德国科隆也设有分公司。我们关注社会、关注病患,有专业的研发团队致力于为医生提供更加专业易用的产品,为患者提供更加安全舒适的体验。我们是一家多元的企业,我们拥有来自55个国家的员工,吸收55个国家的文化。我们因地制宜,努力融入当地文化,提供更人性化的工作环境。我们是一家充满活力的企业,我们开源而富有效率,给员工充分发挥自我的空间,为员工制定最合适的人才培养计划。今天,我们来到中国,为中国的患者服务,需要寻找优秀的销售经理一起为医疗事业努力。你将加入的是一家飞速增长的企业,将了解如何运营一家医疗公司。公司网站:www.optimummedical.cn(中文) / optimummedical.co.uk (英文)工作职责:1、listening to customer requirements and presenting appropriately to make a sale;倾听客户的需求并对产品销售提出适当的指导性建议2、maintaining and developing relationships with existing customers in person and via telephone calls and emails;通过电话和邮件,维护和拓展现有客户关系3、cold calling to arrange meetings with potential customers to prospect for new business;电话拜访并针对潜在客户安排会面以拓展新市场4、responding to incoming email and phone enquiries;对邮件和来电的客户需求做出反应5、acting as a contact between a company and its existing and potential markets;成为公司和现有以及潜在市场的沟通桥梁6、negotiating the terms of an agreement and closing sales;谈判达成协议,完成订单7、gathering market and customer information;收集市场和客户信息8、representing their company at trade exhibitions, events and demonstrations;代表公司参加相关贸易展览,项目和示范培训9、negotiating on price, costs, delivery and specifications with buyers and managers;与买方谈判价格、成本、交货和规格明细10、challenging any objections with a view to getting the customer to buy;面对客户质疑提供解决方案并促使客户购买产品11、advising on forthcoming product developments and discussing special promotions;为新产品研发提供建议以及产品促销提供方案12、creating detailed proposal documents, often as part of a formal bidding process which is largely dictated by the prospective customer;拥有处理正式档案文件合同细节的能力13、liaising with suppliers to check the progress of existing orders;时刻与供应商保持联系关注现有订单进展14、recording sales and order information and sending copies to the sales office, or entering figures into a computer system;记录销售和订单信息,并将相关附件寄到公司或把数据输入到计算机15、reviewing your own sales performance, aiming to meet or exceed targets;时刻总结自己销售业绩,争取完成或超过公司既定目标16、gaining a clear understanding of customers' businesses and requirements;全方位清晰的了解客户的业务和需求17、making accurate, rapid cost calculations and providing customers with quotations;精确、快速的成本计算以及提供客户报价18、attending team meeting and sharing best practice with colleagues.参加团队会议并和同事分享销售实践经验职位要求:1、1 or 2 years experience in selling to hospitals*有一定销售经验,1到2年医院终端销售经验为佳2、 level english average*英语4级及以上3、 experience of selling to doctors and nurses*销售给医生或护士的经验4、 experience of selling direct to hospitals*直接销售到医院的经验5、 happy to work from the shanghai office*乐意在上海办公室工作6、 experience of clinical selling*私立医院销售经验7、 experience of carrying out training to distributors*给代理商培训经验8、 experience of foreign brands国外品牌产品销售经验9、 experience selling off price list销售没有收费编码产品的经验10、 age 23-33年龄23-33岁11、 living in shanghai居住在上海12、willing to travel within china愿意接受国内出差 职能类别: 医疗器械销售代表 销售代表 关键字: 医疗 医药 医疗器械 销售 市场开发 护理 销售代表 经理 周末双休 带薪年假
Optimum Medical Solutions are a leading UK based medical company specialising in the manufacture of sterile lubricating jelly for the healthcare market. Our products, including the flagship OptiLube and OptiLube Active, are present in every single NHS Trust in the UK and exported to over 60 countries around the world. OMS is an exciting fast-moving company and, due to our expanding product portfolio and customer base, we are recruiting the position within our shanghai office - China. We are looking for an enthusiastic, self motivated, Mandarin speaking sales individual to find new business opportunities within the Chinese market and build our customer base. website: http://www.optimummedical.co.uk
研发项目经理(生殖/遗传/肿瘤平台) (职位编号:RD-MA-6) 1.5-2.5万/月
市场营销专员(市场专员) 4.5-9千/月
销售助理/在线客服(上海) 4-4.9千/月
机电工程师 6-8千/月
产品经理 6-8千/月
产品开发工程师 6-8千/月
南方大区销售经理 4.5-6千/月
外资医疗器械公司 销售主管 30-40万/年
资深英语翻译English translator (职位编号:3) 0.5-1万/月
资深英语翻译English translator (职位编号:3) 0.6-1万/月
资深英语翻译English Translator(医药类) 0.8-1万/月
资深英语翻译English Translator(医药类) 0.6-1万/月
翻译主管 Senior Translator(高薪聘请) 0.7-1万/月