11-09 发布
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职位描述: 1、负责技术项目中western blot实验实施2、负责技术项目中荧光定量PCR实验实施职位要求:1. 熟练掌握Western Blot技术原理及操作规范,独立接受任务完成Western Blot实验:总蛋白抽提;SDS-PAGE;免疫印迹;编写Western Blot实验报告;2.从事荧光定量PCR实验基本操作、引物设计、QPCR实验、最终数据分析等工作;3.做好实验的试剂和仪器的管理工作;4.按时保质保量完成项目任务,及时准确与项目相关人员沟通;5.及时总结项目的完成情况,提交完整的项目实验记录报告及结果分析;6.其他相关工作。能力要求:1.生物类专业本科学历;2. 1年以上工作经验者优先;3.常年从事该实验技术者,可不受学历限制;4.具备发现问题、解决问题的能力要求;5.富有责任心,善与人沟通,服从管理,吃苦耐劳。 职能类别: 生物工程/生物制药
百替生物 百替生物是国内大型医学科研咨询及技术服务公司,拥有专业医学科研咨询和项目实施服务团队,专注于为临床医生提供科研方案设计、实验实施、数据分析处理和报告总结等服务,为医院或科室提供医学实验室或科研平台搭建咨询和实施等服务。 公司拥有7大中心:项目中心,创新中心,技术中心,数据中心,科研服务中心,战略合作中心和战略支持中心,总部设在杭州,在北京、上海、南京和成都等医学发达的中心城市设有全资子公司。公司搭建了八大科研技术服务平台,包括医学细胞生物学、疾病动物模型、医学分子生物学、医学电生理学、医用纳米材料、医学遗传学和生物信息学、病理学和医学影像学、药物研究等平台;在全国范围有300多家战略合作实验室;已为5000多个医学科研团队提供了高质量的科研咨询和技术服务,帮助临床医生提升事业,实现和超越自我,推动医学科研事业的发展。 公司以“引领医学科研,提升国人健康”、“让医学科研更轻松”为愿景和使命,提出并积极践行“科研5.0”新理念,引领了医学科研新风尚。在长期的咨询和技术服务过程中,公司科研顾问团队还总结出了医学科研创新的六个基本方法--科研创新的六脉神剑。 高远的战略,先进的理念,严格的管理,使公司的实力处于遥遥领先的地位。 百替生物——让医学科研更轻松! Introduction of 100Biotech Co., Ltd. 100Biotech Co., Ltd., is the first company in China which focuses on providing medical research consulting and technical services for clinical doctors. Its services include research project design & implementation, data processing & analysis, and research reports summarization. We have employed a professional team led by full-time scientists who used to work in the world-renowned institutions. Our technical team is especially expert in eight areas of research, including medical cell biology, animal disease models, medical molecular biology, medical electrophysiology, medical nano material, medical genetics and bioinformatics, pathology and medical imaging, drug research and development. Respectively, eight research centres are also established upon those areas. Aside from strengths of our team, the strategic cooperation relationships with more than 300 laboratories around the nation can meet the demands on over 90% medical researches. To date, we have provided high-quality services to over 5000 medical research teams, and have helped a great number of our objective customers with a continual development in their scientific careers. When we provide services to our customers, we always stick to our company’s vision of ‘To lead medical research and improve human health’, and our mission of “To make medical research easier’. During the long time operation of our company, we have become the first one to raise the concept of Scientific Research 5.0 and have been practicing it in our daily activities. In addition, we have also invented a useful tool encompassing six fundamental ways to help propose new ideas for scientific researches. We have a common conviction of sustaining the company’s success, that in order to play a pioneering role, we have to first depend on far-sight strategies, most advanced concepts and strict managerial regulations for our company.
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