11-09 发布
职位描述: 岗位职责:MAIN DUTIES AND RESPONSIBLITIES主要职责?Accurately identify client’s medical & marketing needs, and propose the suitable support tool to related department, and liaison for local implementation projects.准确判别客户的医学和市场支持需求,并向相关部门建议适当的支持方式,同时协助各支持项目在所负责区域的有效实施。?Assist regional promotion planning and event execution, familiar with relevant guideline and internal process, capable to determine clients’ needs suitable to marketing or medical process, then ask the support from marketing or medical accordingly.支持大区的市场推广计划和活动的执行,熟悉公司内部流程,确认客户的需求符合市场部和医学部的相关政策及流程,并据此获取市场部和医学部的支持。?Be responsible for local KOL engagements, local small congress in the region.负责本区域内重点客户市场活动、当地小型学术会议等的支持。?Take the role of 1st-line representative to handle AE/SAE cases with support from central medical and application team. Whenever AE cases occurred, with the guidance from medical PV person, rapidly response to clients medical related request, and do follow up activities as needed (such as site visit independently or jointly visit with medical team together, provide supportive documents, etc…).作为本区域不良反应的第一联系人,负责支持医学部和产品应用团队的相关工作。本区域内发生了产品不良反应后,在医学部的指导下,可以迅速针对客户提出的不良反应相关需求做出回应,并进行持续跟踪(包括但不限于:单独或需要时与医学部共同进行客户拜访,提供所需支持性文件等)。?Capable to explain, deliver to local clients on medical related materials generated, selected by medical department, such as study report, articles, guidelines, etc…; and escalate the un-solved question/issues to medical department, enable better meet clients’ needs on medical support.对医学部所制定或选择的医学相关资料(指导原则,相关试验结果报告和文献等),向所需要的客户进行宣讲。及时向公司传递客户提出的疑难问题并持续跟踪。?As the 1st contact of local sales colleagues with medical team, answer simple questions from sales team according to FAQ (frequent asked questions) provided by medical team, ask the support from medical team whenever needed.作为区域销售与医学部沟通的第一联系人,根据医学部提供的资料回答销售的疑问,并在需要时寻求医学部的支持。?Assist to PM & Medical team for local sales training with the support from product marketing. Has willingness to be further/continue trained on capability/ability needed by providing medical support to satisfy clients requirement.协助产品经理及医学部对本区域内销售进行相关培训。并持续接受接来自市场部及医学部的培训,掌握市场支持和医学支持所需的各项专业能力。 任职资格:JOB REQUIREMENTS录用条件和工作要求?Master graduate, with major in medical imaging, clinical, or other relevant subjects.硕士以上学历,影像或临床相关专业。?With Clinical medicine related work experiences will be preferred.具备医生或护士相关工作经验的候选人,优先考虑。?With local marketing or medical related work experience will be a plus.具备区域市场或者医学相关工作经验的候选人,优先考虑。?Strictly comply with National laws and regulations, EHS and quality management system, abide by the company Code of Conduct, rules and regulations. Ensure that all work behavior conform to company's compliance requirements.严格遵守国家法律法规,遵守EHS和质量管理体系规定,遵守公司员工行为准则和各项规章制度,确保所有的工作行为符合公司的合规要求。?Sense of responsibility, diligent and with high integrity,Team-work approach.有责任心、勤奋、正直、诚信,具有团队合作精神。 职能类别: 药品市场推广主管/专员 医药学术推广
Shanghai Bracco Sine Pharmaceutical Corp. Ltd. 博莱科集团是在世界影像诊断领域享有极高声誉的著名公司之一,其在国际市场上非离子造影剂的市场份额达世界排名前列,集团总部设在意大利的米兰,业务遍及美国、荷兰、瑞士、日本、新加坡、中国等一百多个国家和地区。2001年12月与上海著名制药企业信谊药厂合作组建了上海博莱科信谊药业有限责任公司,注册地在浦东金桥出口加工区。公司生产小容量和大容量注射液,主要产品有X射线造影剂,核磁共振(MRI)造影剂和超声造影剂。产品销售到中国大陆、香港和澳门地区。 为合作公司业务发展需要,现招聘符合要求的有志之士加盟上海博莱科信谊药业有限责任公司。请应聘者在个人简历上注明应聘职位、期望工资、身份证号码、白天可联络的电话号码。 想了解公司更多信息请登陆公司网址:http://www.braccosine.com 请注意:凡通过公司面试并最终决定录用的意向候选人都必须通过专业的背景调查,合格的候选人才能录用为正式员工。
销售工程师(骨科康复) 4-6千/月
医药主管 8-10万/年
Medical Rep/医药代表(沈阳) 1-1.5万/月
临床监查员(CRA) 6-8万/年
医疗租赁项目经理(辽宁) 20-30万/年
销售经理 1-1.5万/月
技术支持工程师 5-8千/月
销售代表(技术销售岗位) 6-8千/月
销售经理(新民市) 0.8-1万/月
设备文员 2-3千/月
区域销售经理 6-8千/月
固体车间制粒岗位 2-3千/月
药物合成工程师 10-15万/年
库房管理员 2-3千/月
商务代表(商务拓展-医院推广) 0.5-1万/月