职位描述: ResponsibilitiesThe Research Quality Manager/Director is responsible for the overall compliance of the discovery, research and development function at ChemPartner. Scope of responsibilities includes compliance requirements for documentation, personnel training, experimental or study design, data management, and report writing. Areas of coverage include discovery, research, and studies involving pharmacology, toxicology and DMPK.Specific responsibilities:Design, implement and appropriate document control and quality systems in support of discovery, research and development activities to meet business unit and corporate objectives.Ensure deployment of operating systems will meet a wide variety of customer needs.Interact with various disciplines within corporate structure to continuously improve and adjust designed systems to meet changing business needsQualificationBS/MS/PhD in life science, post-graduate degree preferred. Must have substantive work experience in quality assurance, quality control, facility/utility/equipment qualification and maintenance, process and assay validation, process development, process control, specification development, aseptic processing, and GMP training.Must be familiar with and skilled in the implementation and improvement of core quality systems to include document control, change control, deviation, and risk management.Ability to foster a consensus environment in the preclinical setting, communicate effectively across lines of authority, lead the facility in GMP mindset and practices.Must have in-depth experience in drug discovery, research, development processes, with emphasis on processes and controls.Minimum of 10 years of biotechnology and/or pharmaceutical industry in quality area, at least 5 of which in management role in quality assurance. 职能类别: 生物工程/生物制药
ShangPharma, the holding company of Shanghai ChemPartner Co. Ltd. and Shanghai ChemExplorer Co. Ltd., is one of the largest CROs (Contract Research Organizations) in China and provides a comprehensive portfolio of services to global pharmaceutical and biotech companies. We have a team of skilled scientists and a problem-solving culture that enable us to respond to our clients' toughest challenges.
Headquartered in Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park, Pudong New Area of Shanghai, ShangPharma currently has a staff of more than 1,600 scientists in virtually every discipline. Over 40% of our scientific staff have post-graduate degrees and all of our top scientific leaders have U.S. and/or European industrial experience in major international pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies.
ShangPharma---- Meeting Your Demands
With a commitment to meeting your demands, ShangPharma offers unparalleled expertise, experience, and results. ShangPharma understands the rapidly changing challenges which face pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies of all sizes in developing innovative drugs. Our CRO business is built around your demands, our integrated services are designed to help bring your new products to market as safely, efficiently, and cost-effectively as possible.
睿智化学 2003 年 4 月成立于中国药谷——上海张江高科技园区生物医药基地内,目前已拥有 13000 平方米的具备先进科研设备的国际领先标准的化学实验室。公司汇集了超过 600 人的来自海内外的精英队伍。公司的科研管理团队均由具十几年海外工作经验的博士组成,研究人员均在大型企业集团及科研院所从事多年研究与开发的高级人才,具有丰富的科研经验和创新意识。睿智化学以其先进的技术优势、具有竞争力的人才优势、以及完善的客户服务管理已经和众多 全球排名前 20 位的生物及制药企业展开 多层次的富有成效的 科研合作,成果斐然。
开拓者化学 2002 年 6 月成立于中国药谷——上海张江高科技园区生物医药基地内,通过与世界 500 强公司之一的美国礼来公司签署长期合作协议,双方共同在张江建立了礼来在中国最大的协作研究基地——开拓者化学。这种创新的合作模式为公司积累了丰富的研究经验,培养了高素质的科研队伍和高效率的科研平台。使公司在短时间内达到实验室面积 13000 多平米,研发及管理团队 300 多人 。 目前, 开拓者化学 的研发项目已经纳入到礼来的全球药品研发体系中,进而促进了中国参与全球药品研发领域的发展。
上海凯惠医药化工有限公司是专业从事医药化工及医药中间体研发、生产、销售三位一体的综合性企业,拥有近 3000 平方米的工厂基地。设备先进、配套设施齐全的 60000 平方米新厂区将于 2009 年建成投入使用。公司主要从事高附加值新型医药中间体的研发以及工艺优化,精细化工以及原料药合成的研发和工艺优化,特别致力于天然产物、新药研发所需的特种试剂、以及各种糖类化合物放大与生产。