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职位描述: 职位描述:1、根据公司招标计划,协助部门经理做好招标计划的分解及落实;2、负责招标项目的前期准备、中期谈判、后期落实;3、负责招标整个过程各类资料和文件的收集、整理及归档工作;4、协助各分子公司相关项目的招标、开标、评标工作;5、部门交办的其他任务。岗位要求:1、本科以上学历,2年以上招投标工作经验;2、工程管理、工程造价、工程材料、供应链管理专业优先;3、基建工程方面经验;招投标管理知识、采购流程知识、相关设备产品知识、ERP知识、体系知识。 职能类别: 招投标管理




浙江之信控股集团,注册资本5亿元,是一家以新能源汽车、生物医疗等新兴行业为投资重点,以奢银艺术经营为根基的国际化投资控股集团。 集团前身始创于2008年,目前集团旗下拥有5家子公司,业务网络覆盖北京、广州、杭州等十余省辖大中城市、地区。 2014年集团旗下意式高端奢银品牌S·collodi(圣·克罗迪)正式布局国内市场,门店依次落户杭州大厦、湖州浙北大厦等高端百货商城。 集团战略性投资于奢银艺术、新型动力锂电池、电动客车和NKT免疫细胞治疗、健康管理等领域。 集团战略投资的新型电池产业园项目系2015浙江省“411重大项目建设”名单中三大超百亿规模项目之一,总投资107亿元,完全投产后锂离子动力、储能电池年产能超36亿Ah。 由集团投资控股公司自主研发设计的豪华大巴在澳洲一次充电续航1018公里,创两项吉尼斯世界纪录。 公司与澳大利亚AVASS集团在纯电动车领域展开深度合作,积极开拓国际市场。 Zhejiang Zhisin Holding Group has a registered captial of RMB 500 million,it’s a interal investment holding Group that taking enregy vehicles,biomedical and other emerging industry as its investment priority,and regarding luxury silver art mangment as fundation. The group was founded in 2008 ,and it has five subsidiary corporations nowadays, whose business stretch more than ten cities and areas ,including Beijing、Guangzhou、Hangzhou ,etc. The sub-brand of Italianate luxurious silverware which named S·collodi (St. crowdy) set up domestic market in 2014, and meanwhile,it was opened with the shops at the high-end department stores successively such as Hangzhou Tower Shopping City and Zhebei Mansion. The group has strategic investment in the areas of luxurious silverware、the new type of Lithium-ion-drive Batteries、electric motor coach and NKT immunocyte therapy and health management,etc. The New-type Battery Industrial Park Project with the gross investment of 1.07 billion ,was one of the three projects (whose investment are more than billlions) in the list of Zhejiang Province “411 major construction project” in 2015,and the new type of Lithium-ion-drive Batteries and electric motor coach can get 3.6 billion Ah after completing production. The deluxe coachs which were designed and produced by our company broke two Guinness World Records by getting 1018KM of battery life on a charge. The group is expanding the depth of cooperation with the Australia AVASS Pty Ltd in EV technology and exploring actively in the international market.
