• 1年经验
  • 大专
  • 招2人
  • 11-09 发布
  • 五险一金
  • 补充医疗保险
  • 免费班车
  • 交通补贴
  • 餐饮补贴
  • 专业培训
  • 定期体检
  • 绩效奖金
  • 年终奖金
  • 弹性工作


职位描述: 岗位职责: 配送中心药仓管理1.主要负责药仓所有药品收货及验收工作;2.主要负责药仓所有药品的养护及出库复核工作;3.主要负责荭仓所有药品的质量管理工作;4.完成领导交办的其他工作;任职资格:1.中专或以上学历;有同行业工作经验或药店工作经验者优先;2.熟悉电脑及各类办公软件的操作;3.学习及适应能力强、诚实、责任感强、有较强的团队合作精神;4.有1-2年医药相关工作资历尤佳;温馨提示:本岗位工作地点在江夏区,请谨慎投递!公司名称:武汉屈臣氏个人用品商店有限公司公司地址:武汉市江夏区庙山大道普洛斯一期物流园内B-5库公交线路:可乘912路到江夏土库湾站下车前行1公里左转即到或903到普洛斯下。电话:027-87027020-215/807邮箱:michelle.wu@watsons.com.cn 职能类别: 药品生产/质量管理 仓库管理员 关键字: 质量管理




关于屈臣氏 屈臣氏是知名的保健及美妆零售商,在欧亚市场经营6,000家店铺,包括香港、中国内地、中国台湾、中国澳门、泰国、新加坡、马来西亚、菲律宾、印尼、土耳其及乌克兰,当中超过1,400家提供专业药房服务。凭借多年的积累与成绩,屈臣氏早已在同业中突围而出。 屈臣氏在中国内地430个城市拥有超过3,000家店铺和逾6,000万名会员,是国内为大众所熟知的保健及美妆产品零售连锁店。屈臣氏在质量与创新方面建立了相当声誉,为顾客奉上令人惊喜不断和物超所值的购物环境,从而赢得顾客高度信赖。 屈臣氏一直全心全意在保健及美妆产品零售业耕耘,为顾客提供个人化的咨询及建议,配以傲视同侪的多元化产品种类,令顾客每天都能LOOK GOOD, FEEL GREAT。屈臣氏在国内保健与美妆行业中拥有超过28年经验,为消费者与行业带来更多优质、专业及贴心的服务。 屈臣氏是屈臣氏集团旗下引领保健及美妆潮流的旗舰品牌。 有关屈臣氏集团及旗下品牌资料,详情请浏览:www.aswatson.com 关于屈臣氏集团 屈臣氏集团于1841年在香港创立,现已发展成全球知名的国际保健美容零售商,在25个市场经营超过13,300家商店。每年,超过30亿名顾客在屈臣氏集团旗下的13个国际零售品牌所开设的实体店铺,以及电子商店上购物。 集团2016年财政年度的营业额达1,515亿港元,并在全球聘用超过130,000人。 屈臣氏集团是跨国综合企业长江和记实业有限公司的成员。长江和记业务遍及超过50个国家,经营港口及相关服务、零售、基建、能源以及电讯等五项核心业务。 有关屈臣氏集团及旗下品牌资料,详情请浏览www.aswatson.com。阁下亦可透过我们品牌的电子平台(电子商贸、社交平台、手机程序等) 随时紧贴我们的动向,详情请浏览:http://www.aswatson.com/our-customers/digitalasw About Watsons Watsons is Asia’s renowned health and beauty retailer, currently operating 6,000 stores – more than 1,400 of which are pharmacies, in both Asian and European markets, including China (Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau), Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines, Indonesia, Turkey and Ukraine. With years of experience and accomplishments, Watsons has long been outshining in the industry. Watsons operates more than 3,000 stores in 430 cities in Mainland China, with over 60 million members, making Watsons a well-known health & beauty retailer in China. Watsons has built its success and reputation on quality and innovation, offering enjoyable and ‘discovery’ shopping environment and great value-for-money to its customers, winning the trust of the consumers. As a dedicated brand in the health and beauty industry, Watsons provides customers with personalized advice and counseling on top of its wide product range, making customers LOOK GOOD, FEEL GREAT every day. Watsons is a well-received pharmacy/drugstore brand in Asia, and in Europe, it is also a widely recognized health and beauty retailer in Ukraine. With more than 28 years of experience in health and beauty industry in China, Watsons is committed to providing customers and the industry with more superior, professional and quality service. Watsons is the flagship health and beauty brand of A.S. Watson Group. Please visit www.aswatson.com for more in-depth information about A.S. Watson Group and its brands. About A.S. Watson Group Established in Hong Kong in 1841, A.S. Watson Group is has now become a world-renowned international health and beauty retailer in Asia and Europe with over 13,300 stores in 25 markets. Each year, over 3 billion customers and members shop with our 13 retail brands, both in stores and online. For the fiscal year 2016, A.S. Watson Group recorded revenue of HK$151.5billion. We have over 130,000 employees worldwide. A.S. Watson Group is also a member of the world-renowned multinational conglomerate CK Hutchison Holdings Limited, which has major interests in ports and related services, retail, infrastructure, energy and telecommunications in over 50 countries. Please visit www.aswatson.com for more in-depth information about A.S. Watson Group and its brands. You may also stay in touch with us via our digital presence (eCommerce, social media, mobile app & more); more details are at http://www.aswatson.com/our-customers/digitalasw/
