职位描述: 1、To perform microbial detection work in strict accordance with specific implementation and execution of the quality manual and procedure documents and each rules and regulations, etc.严格按照质量手册、程序性文件和各项规章制度等开展微生物检测工作;2、Study hard business knowledge, constantly improve the level of business technology, knowledge and master the relevant laws and regulations.认真学习业务知识,不断提高检测技术水平,并掌握有关法律法规知识;3、Responsible for the quality of the testing work, and the authenticity and accuracy of the testing data. To fill in all kinds of records seriously and provide the test report duly.对检测工作的质量负责,对检测数据的真实性和准确性负责。认真填写各种记录,并及时出具检测报告。4.Hold position, and ensure to complete the detection tasks in required time.坚守岗位,确保在规定时间内完成相应检测任务。5. To operate and maintain the equipments in strict accordance with the operation procedures and specifications.严格按照操作规程和规范要求使用仪器设备并进行日常维护。6、Strictly comply with the management system, and shall have the right to refuse to do not conform to specified requirements of interference, the technical data of the user, have the responsibility to keep secrets.严格遵守各项管理制度,有权拒绝不符合规定要求的外界干扰,对用户的技术资料、商业机密负有保密责任。Qualification Requirements 任职资格:1、College or above, major in biology or related fields.专科及以上学历,生物相关专业毕业;2、With at least 3 to 4 years exoerienced in testing laboratory related to FOOD Microbiology.3-4年食品微生物相关检测工作经验;3、Familiar with different food microbiologytesting standards such as GB.ISO,US FDA BAM, AOAC and others.掌握国内外食品微生物分析实验方法;4、Good ability of English in reading and understanding.良好的英文阅读与理解能力; 职能类别: 生物工程/生物制药
欧陆分析技术服务(苏州)有限公司是欧陆分析科技集团在中国的全资子公司,成立于2006年11月,注册于江苏省苏州新区科技城内,专门从事食品、药品、环境和消费品的质量检测,提供相关咨询和中间服务,技术资源来自母公司- 欧陆分析科技集团。
欧陆分析科技集团是国际领先的实验室分析集团,为食品、药品、环境和消费品领域提供广泛的检测和技术支持服务;欧陆分析科技集团在全球拥有150多个实验室,分布于欧洲、南北美洲、亚洲, 2007年营业额估计达8亿美元。
欧陆分析技术服务(苏州)有限公司,依靠公司集团的检测资源和本身的检测能力,为食品、药品、环境和消费品检验提供广泛的服务, 包括,但不限于:微生物检测、重金属检测、理化检测、农残检测、兽残检测、转基因的定性和定量检测、有机污染物检测、食品真实性检测、动植物种类/DNA鉴定、营养要素检测、环境检测、化妆品功能检测、药物检测、身份保持/非转基因供应链控制的认证咨询服务。