11-09 发布
职位描述: ?负责为潜在用户进行产品演示,以促进销售。在演示过程中,理解并满足用户的需求,充分展现BK产品的优势,赢得用户青睐;?负责售后培训,确保用户理解并正确使用BK医疗的产品;?与代理商及BK中国团队分享自己的知识和经验,共同进步;?向BK医疗产品市场部提供市场反馈信息;?协助翻译并校对销售资料、操作手册等。EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE:?5 years clinical experience in ultrasound equipment in hospitals. Be familiar with competitive brands;?Good team player with technical background;?Have strong desire and ability to learn in new application and specialty area such as surgery, urology and endorectal;?Prefer experience in surgical applications;Capable of working with surgeon in operation;?Ability to work independently with result-driven mindset;?BS in a Technical Field or Medical Field;?Strong verbal and written communication skills in both Mandarin and English;?Frequent traveler;教育背景和工作经验?5年超声产品临床工作经验;熟悉其他竞争的品牌;?具备专业知识及团体合作精神;?具有强烈的学习欲望,愿意学习新知识,比如超声在外科、泌尿、肛肠等专科领域的应用;?有外科应用经验者优先;能够与外科医生共事完成相关工作;?以结果为驱动的独立工作的能力;?相关技术或医学专业本科以上学历;?良好的表达能力和沟通技巧,包括普通话和英语;?能够适应出差;该职位地点位于上海、苏州、杭州等华东区 职能类别: 临床研究员
Company Overview Analogic公司(安络杰)设立于1967年,专门从事高品质医疗和安全成像系统以及辅助系统的研发、设计和生产,被公认为先进信号采集领域的龙头企业。公司致力于为全球设备制造商(OEM)和最终用户提供一流的产品与服务。我们在CT、磁共振成像(MRI)、超声、数字X光摄影(DR)、病人监护以及航空安全领域的持续创新在业内享有盛誉,在分子成像与高级运动控制方面的技术实力也在与日俱增。许多在医疗成像领域的知名大型公司都在其产品中采用了我们的高性能成像子系统。这些产品已被全世界大多数大型医疗机构应用于疾病的诊断和治疗。 Founded in 1976, Analogic has been recognized as a leader in advanced signal acquisition and processing. Analogic conceives, designs, and manufactures high-performance medical and security imaging systems and subsystems, primarily for Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs). Today, our specific areas of expertise include developing enabling technologies used in computed tomography (CT), ultrasound, digital mammography (DM), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). We also develop state-of-the-art threat detection systems for airport checked-baggage screening and checkpoint screening as well as motion controls. Many of the largest, best-known medical imaging companies incorporate our high-performance imaging subsystems into their products. These products are used in most major healthcare facilities around the world to detect and treat disease. Milestone 2012年被《福布斯杂志》提名美国最值得信赖的公司 2012 – Named one of America's Most Trustworthy Companies by Forbes magazine 《波士顿环球报》100强 - 美国麻萨诸塞州100强公司之一 The Boston Globe 100 – One of the top 100 companies in Massachusetts Career Advance 我们的目标是创造一个能使各路精英汇聚,共同协作来满足我们的客户需求的企业文化和工作氛围。我们渴求多样的文化理念和不同的视角相结合,这种思想差异碰撞所创造的价值将会给我们公司带来更大的创新。实现公司的全球多样性是一个长远的目标,这个核心准则维系着每一个安络杰在职员工今后的成就。我们公司始终秉承着非歧视和平等原则,为大家创造公平公正的就业机会。 Our goal is to create a corporate culture and a business environment where the best and brightest minds work together to meet our customers’ demands. The collaboration of cultures, ideas, and different perspectives is an organizational asset that brings us greater creativity and innovation. Global diversity is a long-term, business-critical principle that is linked to the current and future success of everyone who works at Analogic. We embrace all applicable national and local laws pertaining to nondiscrimination and equal opportunity.
质检员/QC 0.8-1.5万/月
医疗器械质量管理员 6-8千/月
微生物分析化验员 3-5千/月
产品研发专员/工程师 0.8-1.2万/月
生产主管(经理)(化妆品制药) 0.6-1万/月
纯化技术员 3-4.5千/月
医药代表 0.6-2万/月
QC 4.5-6千/月
招投标专员 6-8千/月
微生物检验员 4-8千/月
高级销售代表(广州) 30-40万/年
商务专员/商务主管 0.8-1.2万/月
医学顾问/高级医学顾问 1.3-2.8万/月