• 1年经验
  • 大专
  • 招2人
  • 11-09 发布
  • 五险一金
  • 年终双薪
  • 年终奖金
  • 周末双休
  • 包住
  • 餐饮补贴
  • 节日福利
  • 带薪年假


职位描述: 岗位职责:1.负责招投标信息的跟踪收集及各类招投标信息的分析与整理; 2.负责公司日常投标事务的管理、标书制作,合理分配任务、协调制作进度;3.正确理解各地招标政策和招标文件,负责开标前相关支持及封标工作;4.优化投标文件版式,定期更新、完善;5.负责公司资质材料和招投标文件的维护、更新和归档管理等工作。任职要求:1、大专以上学历,工程管理、市政工程相关专业;2、一年以上招投标相关经验;3、熟悉招投标法规,了解基本的招投标程序;4、沟通能力强,工作细心,责任心强,抗压强。薪资=月薪+中标奖励。工作地点:泉州 职能类别: 招投标管理 房地产项目招投标




福建纳川管材科技股份有限公司成立于2003年,总部位于福建省泉州市泉港区,是一家专注于安全环保、新型高端埋地管材及配套产品研发、生产、销售,以产品、客户为经营导向的创新、科技、环保的综合型公司, 2011年在深圳创业板成功上市(股票代码:300198)。为实现“安全、环保的给排水管网综合供应商”的企业愿景,服务于民生水安全,致力于环境保护,纳川自成立以来持续通过技术引进和创新,为城市建设提供前沿的综合性给排水管网解决方案。 经过十余年的快速发展,纳川众多系列产品已覆盖城市基础设施建设雨水收集、引水、给水、排水、中水回用、工业及燃气等领域,全面涉及水生态系统,主要包括HDPE缠绕增强管、钢骨架聚乙烯(PE)塑料复合管、连续缠绕玻璃纤维增强管、聚酯树脂混凝土管、预铸聚酯树脂混凝土排水沟及相关配套管件等。 秉持“诚实做人、结实做管”的企业精神,纳川人始终以“优质产品、高效服务、绿色环保、城镇安全”作为对用户的承诺,为市政工程、核电火电、石油化工、交通枢纽等领域,提供安全可靠的产品和科学系统的管网建设方案。纳川人不断开拓创新,赢得了广大客户认可和支持,业务快速走向全国,相继在福建、天津、湖北、江苏、上海、广东等地建立生产基地,拥有国内外先进设备生产线数十条。与此同时,纳川已瞄准国际市场,将世界舞台作为自己的下一个营销版图。 管纳百川,绿色未来。 作为行业领军企业,纳川将始终以“促进人类生活与生态环境的可持续发展”为使命,继续进行技术创新,用更加丰富的优质产品及完善的服务体系,为国家基础建设及城镇化发展提供源源不断的产品和服务,与广大客户和合作伙伴共圆“美丽世界”梦想! Fujian Newchoice Pipe Technology Co., Ltd. was founded in 2003 and head-quartered in Quangang District, Quanzhou , Fujian Province. It is an innovative, scientific, customer-oriented and environmental integrated company dedicated to R&D, production and sales of safe, environment-friendly, new-type, high-end buried pipes and associated products. In 2011, it was successfully listed in Shenzhen Growth Enterprises Market (GEM) (stock code: 300198).To achieve the vision of being “a safe and environment-friendly water supply & drainage pipe network integrated supplier” and to serve of water safety and environment protection, Newchoice Pipe has kept technological import and innovation since founded so as to offer leading comprehensive water supply & drainage pipe network solutions necessary for urban construction. After over a decade development, a diversity of product families have covered urban infrastructure construction, rainwater collection and water diversion, supply & drainage, water recycling, industry and natural gas fields, including HDPE winding reinforced pipes, steel-framed polyethylene (PE) plastic composite pipes, Glassfiber Reinforced Continuous Winding Pipe,Polyester Resin Concrete Pipe (PRCP), Precast resin concrete drainage channel and related supporting pipe fittings, etc. Adhering to the enterprise spirit of " be honest, be reliable", Fujian Newchoice Pipe consistently sticks to the princeple of " quality products, efficient service, environmental protection and urban safty" as commitment to its customers, and provides safe and reliable products and scientific and systematic pipe network construction schemes to the sectors such as municipal works, nuclear and thermal power, petrochemicals and traffic hubs. Newchoice Pipe has won the recognition and support of many customers by its continuous exploration and innovation. As businesses were developed across the country rapidly, production bases have been built in Fujian, Tianjin, Hubei, Jiangsu ,Shanghai,Guangdong and other regions. It possesses more than ten advanced production lines at both home and abroad. Newchoice Pipe has aimed at international market as its marketing scope. Newchoice Pipe brings you an environment-friendly-future.As one of the industry leaders, Newchoice Pipe will persue the mission of "promoting the sustainable development of human life and ecological environment", continues to make technological innovation and provide a wider range of products and perfect service for infrastructure construction and urbanization development in China to fulfill the "Beautiful World" dream! 公司福利: 工作机制:实行每周五天制八小时工作,周末双休。 保险福利:办理社会保险(养老、失业、工伤、生育、医疗)、团体意外保险。 带薪福利:带薪享受法定节假日、婚假、丧假、产假、病假等。 津贴福利:生日补贴、工龄补贴、结婚礼金、防暑降温费、过节费。 住房福利:办理住房公积金,提供免费住宿、水电,享受三星级标准的住房条件。 饮食福利:免费享受美味可口的饮食。 健康福利:免费的年度体检,健健康康过好每一天! 身心福利:每年组织外出旅游、各类聚餐、中秋博饼、尾牙聚会、年夜饭及文体技能比赛。 薪资福利:提供行业具有竞争力的报酬,丰厚的年终绩效奖金、年底双薪。 职业发展:纳川学院为您提供在职深造的机会,集团各子公司为您提供极具发展的岗位。 乘车方式: 乘车方案1:泉州市区至客运中心站乘坐(泉州—峰尾)专线,可直达至泉港驿峰路—纳川股份(时程:1小时左右); 乘车方案2:惠安县城乘坐(泉州—峰尾)专线,可直达至泉港驿峰路—纳川股份(时程:15分钟左右); 乘车方案3:晋江/石狮等地乘车(石狮—泉港)专线至汽车站,转乘坐8路公交至泉港驿峰路-纳川股份; 乘车方案4:福州/厦门/漳州等地乘坐(福州/厦门/漳州—泉港)专线至汽车站,转乘坐8路公交至泉港驿峰路—纳川股份。 联系方式: 总部地址:福建省泉州市泉港区普安工业区 联系电话:0595-87770090 招聘组 应聘者请将简历发至邮箱: QQ:323625290(纳川股份人才交流群) 更多详情及公司产品请至我司官网查看 网址:www.nachuan.com
