11-09 发布
职位描述: Job specification: 工作职责: l Provide process support to the project team during Study and Front End Load phase; 为项目前期提供工艺技术支持; l Prepare design preconditions for other disciplines; 为其它专业提供初步设计条件; l Prepare equipment arrangement concepts and plot plan studies; 准备设备布局图和总平面图; l Independently organize the process and/or technology negotiation and consultation with foreign experts, clients, Local Design Institutes, vendors, etc. 能够独立组织由外国专家、客户、当地设计院及供货商组成的工艺协商会; l Support Project Manager in project organization and management of cost, schedule, documentation, quality, safety, etc. 提供项目组织和管理,包括费用结算、项目控制、文件管理和质量安全控制等。 Key qualification: 资格要求: l B.S or above in pharmaceutical or Biochemical Engineering; 本科以上,医药或生化相关专业; l 5years working experience in engineering in pharmaceutical or Biochemical engineering company or design institute; 5年以上的医药或生化项目或设计院的工作经验; l Skilled in relevant software and tools, specialized in various drawing software; 熟练操作相关制图软件; l Fluent speaking and writing in English. 具备英文读写说表达能力 职能类别: 生物工程/生物制药
who we are century 3 inc., founded in 1977, designs, builds and relocates facilities for leaders in global industries throughout the us, china, southeast asia and across the globe. century 3 china, headquartered in shanghai, has 9 established locations in china. with over 36 years of experience, we have delivered value to prestigious clients worldwide, such as bmw, jaguar, invista, eastman, applied material, honeywell, sandisk, novartis, dumex and many more through our consulting, engineering, procurement, project management, construction and maintenance services. global project management expertise century 3 has provided a range of engineering and construction services to bmw, qoros, jaguar, applied materials, stmicroelectronics, sandisk, milliken, ciba, marvell and invista. we have extensive experience in international engineering projects in china, which enables us to build facilities and factories at high standards that meet international clients’ project objectives and expectations. engineering and construction elites century 3 management teams include overseas returning chinese, global expatriates and local professionals with extensive international engineering and construction management experience. with more than 800 construction and engineering elites based in china, we are able to support clients on large complex construction projects with high quality work and cost-effective completion. corporate social responsibility care for people, clients, communities, and our planet through resourcefulness and integrity. as a core philosophy, corporate social responsibility (csr) has been an important part of how we do business at century 3. we strive to reduce the environmental impact of our projects through advances in engineering, a wise deployment of resources and measures designed to minimize the negative consequences of our work on the public and the environment. century 3 agrees the sustainability goals and global approach to csr of people, planet, and profit. 生特瑞简介 自1977年成立以来,生特瑞为全球各行业的领军企业提供设计、建造、搬迁等全方位的工程服务。生特瑞中国总部位于上海,并在全国9座城市设有分公司。生特瑞拥有逾36年的工程管理与施工经验,公司以 “体现价值”为理念,致力于为全球***企业如宝马、捷豹路虎、英威达、伊士曼、应用材料、霍尼韦尔、闪迪、诺华制药及多美滋等提供广泛的咨询、设计、采购、项目管理、施工管理及设施维护服务。 丰富的国际工程管理经验 生特瑞自成立以来,已为宝马汽车、美国应用材料、意法半导体、美国闪迪、美国美利肯、瑞士汽巴精化、美国俊茂微电子、美国英威达化工等国际知名企业提供了一系列工程服务。生特瑞在中国本土拥有相当丰富的国际工程项目经验;我们能为客户建设符合国际技术标准的厂房,以优质的服务确保企业在中国的项目安全、顺利地完成。 具备跨文化沟通能力的工程团队 生特瑞的团队具备优异的跨文化沟通能力,公司绝大部分工程师拥有双语能力,确保将客户的需求清晰准确地传达给相应的供应商。生特瑞高效而杰出的沟通为客户开拓中国市场奠定了坚实的基础。 高端的工业建筑行业人才 生特瑞由一批具有丰富国际工程管理经验的海归人士及国内外行业精英领衔。我们在中国拥有800余名工业建筑行业的高端人才,能为客户管理和执行各类大型复杂的工程项目,提供优质且高效的服务。 企业社会责任 善用智慧,诚实守信,关爱人类、客户、社会及地球。生特瑞一贯重视企业社会责任感。我们致力于通过先进的设计理念,合理优化的配置资源,使项目对公众及环境可能产生的负面影响降到最低程度。生特瑞长期坚持可持续发展之路,并在全球范围内秉承“人力、地球、利益”的环保生产理念。