• 无工作经验
  • 招1人
  • 11-09 发布
  • 五险一金
  • 餐饮补贴
  • 通讯补贴
  • 弹性工作
  • 定期体检
  • 年终奖金
  • 员工旅游


职位描述: The role of training and QC head is clinical operation experienced staffs to ensure FMD clinical study training system is on order and clinical studies are conducted in accordance with applicable SOPs, protocols, GCP/ICH guidelines, and applicable regulations.?Set up the training system of clinical operation and project management to support the business‘s needed.?Lead trainers to deliver the training courses, project specific training to CRA, PM and related position and SOP.?Implement and deliver the agreed upon FMD QC plan which includes risk management, to assist Clinical Operations to deliver a better compliance with relevant ICH, GCP, country regulations and guidelines.?Participate in FMD and department system/standards improvement activities.?Contribute to the development of and responsible for implementation and delivery of specific initiatives as defined and agreed upon.?Provide advice and support to local Clinical Operations, including Project Managers and other key local stakeholders with regard to quality control, risk assessment and management, and corrective actions.?Provide technical support to PMs/CRAs to ensure that they have the required knowledge to fulfill their duties.?Conduct co-monitoring per QC plan, mentor and coach CRA when applicable.?Conduct 3rd part self-check activities per sponsor’s requests.Qualifications:?A Bachelor Degree in a medical, health, or science related are, or a nursing degree requested and Master above degree preferred.?Minimum of 6 years related experience in clinical trial management or related areas including at least 1 years CRA experience. QC and training experiences is preferred.?QC Manager: Minimum of 5 years related experience in clinical trial management or related areas.?Good understanding of Phase I - IV quality assurance principles, clinical monitoring procedures, all relevant GCP guidelines and of local and international regulations.?Knowledge of medical terminology and high proficiency in Microsoft Word / Excel / PowerPoint / Outlook?Excellent, interpersonal, communication and organizational skills.?Good team player, self-motivated and attention to details.?Strong customer focused sensitivity towards internal and external customers.?Able to travel when required.?Good command of English on oral and writing. 职能类别: 药品生产/质量管理




方恩医药成立于2007年,是在科技部、卫生部、商务部及药监局的共同支持下,建立起的一个能够提供全方位与国际标准接轨的临床开发服务的CRO(合同研究组织)公司。2016年10月13日完成了对iMEDGlobal公司的完全并购,并购后,方恩公司的员工总数超过1200人,分支机构分布在美国、英国、菲律宾、印度、中国大陆、韩国、日本、中国台湾和亚美尼亚等19个国家或地区。在中国,有超过250位临床试验运营人员分布在全国36个城市,可以为中国药企及在中国和亚洲从事临床研究的跨国客户提供全方位的符合ICH-GCP的临床研究服务,大致包含:临床监查、项目管理、注册服务、医学事务、医学翻译、SMO、数据管理、生物统计、安全性评价等。 公司设有临床监查部,CO项目管理部,质控部,CO培训部,临床协调部,SMO项目管理部,SMO培训部,统计部,编程部,数据部,SDM 项目管理部,药物安全监测部,注册部,医学事务部,翻译部,业务质保部,商务部,合同部,国际事业部,市场部,行政部,财务部,人力资源部,信息部,内审及质量管理部等部门。各部门负责人均具有丰富跨国性临床试验经验及专业知识,在世界著名的CRO及制药企业组织完成过多项新药开发任务。 相信丰富的临床经验、对合作需求的敏锐触觉、顺应合作伙伴需求及对细节的专注性将成为方恩成功发展的基石。 公司官网:http://www.fountain‐med.com
