上海相关职位: 质量负责人 import test coordination 医院代表-上海-专科产品组 (职位编号:1) 医院代表-上海-妇科产品线 地区经理-DSM-上海-心血管 上海-糖尿病事业部-医药代表 有机合成研究员 上海招商经理(OTC事业部) 上海招商经理(处方事业部) 医药代表实习生
周边城市招聘: 上海 浙江 安徽 广东 山东 河北 重庆 北京 江苏 湖南
企业入驻日期: 2017-11-09
职位描述: Key accountabilities: 1. Coordinate key account team to ensure the key deliverables are met. 2. Coordinate management visits from Key Account; interact with key account’s Alliance Managers as needed. 3. Review key account finance data and generate key account financial summary to management as needed. 4. Provide market analysis support to understand key clients’ propositions, markets, business challenges and WuXi’s opportunities. 5. Organize quarterly review of key accounts, update Key Account Dashboard, and manage key account related activities. 6. Support other business development projects and other assigned tasks. 7. Provide system and administrative support as needed. requirements: 1. MS degree in science, business or related area with 5-8 years experience. Experience working in large and complex projects preferred. 2. Excellent English. Excellent planning and organizational skills. 3. Excellent oral and written communication skill, interpersonal skills, and presentation skills. 4. Comfortable and confident working with Sr. management and ensure goals are met. 5. Superb analytical and methodical problem-solving skills, ability to handle stressful situations, meet deadlines. 6. Strong computer literacy: must be proficient in Word, Excel and PowerPoint. 7. Attitude: Persistent, flexible, motivated and team player. 职能类别: 医药招商 市场/营销/拓展主管
三生国健药业(上海)股份有限公司(简称“三生国健”): 2002年,中国中信集团与兰生国健药业发起投资成立生物医药高新技术企业——上海中信国健药业股份有限公司;2015年,香港上市公司三生制药进行股权投资成为该公司最大股东,并将公司更名为三生国健药业(上海)股份有限公司。十几年来,三生国健始终专注于抗体药物研发、中试和产业化,已成功建立了拥有自主知识产权的抗体药物研发平台,掌握研发与产业化的核心技术并参与多个抗体药物质控国家标准的建立。公司拥有通过国家食药监总局(CFDA)GMP认证的3条750升、2条3000升抗体药物生产线;符合欧盟标准的6条5000升抗体药物生产线于2015年完成建设并成功试生产,生产规模和质控水平位居国内行业领先地位。三生国健提供覆盖自身免疫、肿瘤、抗器官移植排斥反应等重大疾病领域的靶向药物,具备持续开发新药的能力,现已发展成为国内抗体制药领域的领军企业。 简介(英文): Sunshine Guojian Pharmaceutical (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (Sunshine Guojian),whose predecessor is Shanghai CP Guojian Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. jointly invested in 2002 as a biomedical high-tech enterprise by China CITIC Group and the Lansheng Guojian Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., is established in 2015 and integrated into the Sunshine Pharmaceutical Group, a Hong Kong listed company, upon equity investment. Over the past decade, Sunshine Guojian has committed to the R&D, pilot scale development and industrialization of antibody drugs. The company has built up a self-owned antibody drug discovery platform with core technologies and know-hows, as well as led or participated in drafting of national standards in antibody drug quality control. Sunshine Guojian’s antibody drug production lines (3*750L and 2*3000L) has been granted the GMP certificate by CFDA and its new production lines (6*5000L) by EU standards were completed construction and realized successful trial production in 2015, leading in production scale and quality control in the domestic industry. As a leading player in the field of domestic pharmaceutical antibody, the company provides targeted drugs for autoimmune diseases, cancer, organ transplantation immunosuppression treatment, with a sustainable capability of drug innovation and development. 现由于公司发展需要,诚聘具有创新精神和成就事业理想的优秀人才加盟。 请符合条件的应聘者将中英文简历等信息发送E-mail至:hr@gj.3sbio.com (请在邮件题目上注明应聘职位等信息)
高级项目经理 1-1.5万/月
体外生物学研究员J10484 1-1.5万/月
工艺研究员(上海张江)J10486 6-8千/月
临床阶段医学经理(上海张江)J10935 1.5-2万/月
创新药工艺研究员(2018校招)(上海张江)J10937 6-8千/月
创新药分析研究员(2018校招)(上海张江)J10938 6-8千/月
体外生物学研究员(2018校招)(上海张江)J10942 6-8千/月
质量分析主管(上海张江)J10702 1.5-2万/月
创新药工艺开发主管/经理(上海张江)J10661 3-4万/月
医学专员(上海张江)J10568 0.8-1万/月
产品部实习生(食品、制药、市场营销专业) 3-4.5千/月
保健食品事业部研发助理 4-4.5千/月
临床研究专员 4-6千/月
临床经理 0.8-1.2万/月
助理产品经理-市场部 1-2万/月
上海相关职位: 质量负责人 import test coordination 医院代表-上海-专科产品组 (职位编号:1) 医院代表-上海-妇科产品线 地区经理-DSM-上海-心血管 上海-糖尿病事业部-医药代表 有机合成研究员 上海招商经理(OTC事业部) 上海招商经理(处方事业部) 医药代表实习生
周边城市招聘: 上海 浙江 安徽 广东 山东 河北 重庆 北京 江苏 湖南
企业入驻日期: 2017-11-09