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  • 11-09 发布


职位描述: 请在邮件标题栏中注明应聘职位及工作区域! 岗位职责: 1、通过杂交瘤实现新型抗体的发现工作; 2、负责带领团队进行单克隆抗体药物研发相关平台的开发、维护和优化; 3、及时跟踪和了解国际单克隆抗体药物发展动态,协助/领导新项目的选题、开发; 4、及时进行工作总结向直属领导汇报各项工作的进展; 5、配合其他部门及时完成上级领导分配的岗位相关的工作任务。 职位要求: 1、 分子生物学、免疫学、细胞生物学基础医学或相关专业硕士及以上学历; 2、 具有多年单克隆抗体或分子药物开发经验,精通抗体展示文库或杂交瘤等抗体技术 3、 具备大型制药企业相关工作经验优先; 4、具备独立分析问题和解决问题的能力,具备团队合作精神,良好的组织协调能力和沟通能力,能适应较大的工作压力; 职能类别: 生物工程/生物制药




三生国健药业(上海)股份有限公司(简称“三生国健”): 2002年,中国中信集团与兰生国健药业发起投资成立生物医药高新技术企业——上海中信国健药业股份有限公司;2015年,香港上市公司三生制药进行股权投资成为该公司最大股东,并将公司更名为三生国健药业(上海)股份有限公司。十几年来,三生国健始终专注于抗体药物研发、中试和产业化,已成功建立了拥有自主知识产权的抗体药物研发平台,掌握研发与产业化的核心技术并参与多个抗体药物质控国家标准的建立。公司拥有通过国家食药监总局(CFDA)GMP认证的3条750升、2条3000升抗体药物生产线;符合欧盟标准的6条5000升抗体药物生产线于2015年完成建设并成功试生产,生产规模和质控水平位居国内行业领先地位。三生国健提供覆盖自身免疫、肿瘤、抗器官移植排斥反应等重大疾病领域的靶向药物,具备持续开发新药的能力,现已发展成为国内抗体制药领域的领军企业。 简介(英文): Sunshine Guojian Pharmaceutical (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (Sunshine Guojian),whose predecessor is Shanghai CP Guojian Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. jointly invested in 2002 as a biomedical high-tech enterprise by China CITIC Group and the Lansheng Guojian Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., is established in 2015 and integrated into the Sunshine Pharmaceutical Group, a Hong Kong listed company, upon equity investment. Over the past decade, Sunshine Guojian has committed to the R&D, pilot scale development and industrialization of antibody drugs. The company has built up a self-owned antibody drug discovery platform with core technologies and know-hows, as well as led or participated in drafting of national standards in antibody drug quality control. Sunshine Guojian’s antibody drug production lines (3*750L and 2*3000L) has been granted the GMP certificate by CFDA and its new production lines (6*5000L) by EU standards were completed construction and realized successful trial production in 2015, leading in production scale and quality control in the domestic industry. As a leading player in the field of domestic pharmaceutical antibody, the company provides targeted drugs for autoimmune diseases, cancer, organ transplantation immunosuppression treatment, with a sustainable capability of drug innovation and development. 现由于公司发展需要,诚聘具有创新精神和成就事业理想的优秀人才加盟。 请符合条件的应聘者将中英文简历等信息发送E-mail至:hr@gj.3sbio.com (请在邮件题目上注明应聘职位等信息)
