• 无工作经验
  • 招若干人
  • 11-09 发布
  • 五险一金
  • 员工旅游
  • 年终奖金


职位描述: 岗位职责:1、日常客户维护,客户档案管理;2、对公司会员客户进行电话回访,挖掘客户需求信息;3、邀约客户参加活动。任职资格:1、良好的沟通能力;2、良好的服务意识、耐心、能吃苦。薪资待遇:4100元+提成+奖金+五险一金+节假日福利+员工旅游。 职能类别: 生物工程/生物制药




南京中科集团股份有限公司是由中国科学院地理与湖泊研究所及其科研人员控股的高新技术企业,主营中药、中药保健品的研制、生产与销售,并向药械等健康相关领域拓展,拥有国内一流的GAP培植基地、GMP生产流水线和强大的研发中心。 中科集团以中国科学院的强大人才实力为支撑,骨干成员均为中科院的研究员、高级工程师、博士、硕士。中科产品几乎涵盖所有领域(抗癌系列、肝、心脑血管、糖尿病、美容、大众保健等系列),销售网络遍布全国三十个省及自治区,国际100多个国家和地区,是中国科学院重点扶持的高新技术企业。 中科集团在产品开发和市场开拓方面取得了巨大成绩,先后获得了“江苏省高新技术产品认定证书”、 “江苏省重合同、守信用企业”、 “消费者信得过产品” “中国名优品牌”等荣誉称号。 中科集团在同行业中率先通过ISO9001(2000)、ISO14001和OHSAS18001一体化认证并被江苏省科技厅认定为高新技术企业。 Nanjing Zhongke Group Corp., Ltd. whose shares are held by Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and her researchers .It is a Hi-tech Enterprise, which mainly engages in the development, production and sales of the health food, enjoying a high reputation in the field of health food. Zhongke Brand Health Care food contains all fields. E.g. anti-cancer series, Hepatitis&liver Scierosis , Cardiovascular, Blood sugar ,Beauty and Daily health Care series .which spread all over more than 100 Domestic and international areas. Zhongke has made enormous achievements in product development and market open-up, It has obtained a lot of honors, " the new high-tech enterprise of Jiangsu Province ", " Jiangsu enterprises of abiding by the contract, keeping promise ", “consumer's trustworthy products " " China's high-quality brand " etc. Zhongke has past GMP in 2000 & holds Quality System Certificate of ISO 9002 ISO 14000 and OHSAS18000.
