11-09 发布
- 五险一金
- 补充医疗保险
- 免费班车
- 专业培训
- 餐饮补贴
- 定期体检
- 年终奖金
职位描述: 职责描述:? Responsible for regulatory submissions and act as a liaison with the authority and department concerned to facilitate timely approvals of product registration/notification, for both import and locally manufactured products.? Closely work with marketing, Labs, plants and other relevant functions to ensure the product launch on time and assist and provide technical support to solve problems on any product related issues.? Deal with external relationships with government/authorities (such as provincial FDA and local CIQ bureau etc.), test agencies and registration related units.? Lead and train team members by coach, supervise them in daily work.? Support for regulation evolution? Optimize the registration related workflows when need.任职要求:? Responsible for regulatory submissions and act as a liaison with the authority and department concerned to facilitate timely approvals of product registration/notification, for both import and locally manufactured products.? Closely work with marketing, Labs, plants and other relevant functions to ensure the product launch on time and assist and provide technical support to solve problems on any product related issues.? Deal with external relationships with government/authorities (such as provincial FDA and local CIQ bureau etc.), test agencies and registration related units.? Lead and train team members by coach, supervise them in daily work.? Support for regulation evolution? Optimize the registration related workflows when need. 职能类别: 药品注册 医疗器械注册
关于欧莱雅集团与欧莱雅中国 创立于1909年的欧莱雅集团,是全球最大的化妆品集团。于1997年进入中国市场,经过19年快速、稳健、持续的增长,欧莱雅已成为中国化妆品市场的翘楚,并在多个细分市场位居第一,包括***护肤、彩妆、***护肤、面膜、高档化妆品、药妆以及专业美发领域。总部位于上海,有超过4400名员工。目前在中国拥有一个研发和创新中心,一个培训中心和三家工厂分别位于苏州、宜昌和广州。 敬请关注欧莱雅中国“让所有人拥有美”官方微信账号及官方网站www.lorealchina.com
药理药效学高级研究员 1.5-2.5万/月
专利代理人 (图像处理方向) 1-1.5万/月
进口髓内钉跟台员 6-8千/月
QC流式检验分析员 10-15万/年
临床研究经理 1.5-2千/月
医药销售代表 4.5-6千/月
医疗器械装配技术员 (职位编号:F001) 4-6千/月
销售代表 (职位编号:009) 5-7千/月
克隆构建技术员 3-6千/月
细胞功能研究员 0.6-1万/月
GMP级转基因载体纯化技术员 3-6千/月
细胞治疗专利专员 1.2-1.5万/月
分子生物学研究员 0.6-1万/月
资深检测技术员 3-6千/月
细胞技术员 4-8千/月