• 3-4年经验
  • 博士
  • 招1人
  • 11-09 发布
  • 五险一金
  • 补充公积金
  • 员工旅游
  • 交通补贴
  • 餐饮补贴
  • 通讯补贴
  • 定期体检
  • 专业培训
  • 出国机会
  • 年终奖金


职位描述: 工作内容:?Move projects from research to pre-clinical to IND.?Lead Functional Plan creation and integration with the compound strategy/target product profile.?Develop and manage execution of functional project plan and ensure alignment.?Implement the project management and processes for tracking budgets, timelines, document management, tracking of interdependencies, governance and decisions, and reporting program status.?Manage a project team, including: alignment of early and late stage research projects and the preparation for their move into clinical development, the management of lifecycle planning, to deliver and communicate timely milestones throughout the lifecycle.?Develop and maintain detailed project plans: timelines, resources, risk management, communication plans, and budgets; identify and track the project's critical path.?Coordinate departmental activities related to specific projects, drive scheduling, organizing and managing project team meetings, prepare and distribute agendas and minutes; track action items.?Conduct project/program reviews at significant milestones or project gates to evaluate successes as compared to baseline estimates.?Coordinate outsourced activities with vendors and CRO/CMOs.?Support IND filing with regulatory affairs department.任职要求:?Master's degree (Doctor’s degree prefered), and experience in biology/ biotechnology.?At least 4 years of experience in pharmaceutical company, industry, preferentially program management department and CMO background.?People management experience and project management experience.?Cross-functional working experience is helpful.?Self-starter with attention to detail and ability to meet deadlines.?Problem solving skills, particularly in analyzing and refining searches using various search databases.?Excellent communication capabilities with fluent Chinese and English proficiency in verbal and written form.?Proactive leadership. 职能类别: 医药技术研发管理人员 生物工程/生物制药




2009年12月8日,上海复星医药新药研究有限公司与美国汉霖生物技术公司正式签约合资组建上海复宏汉霖生物技术公司,致力于单克隆抗体药物的研发与产业化。公司位于上海市漕河泾新兴技术开发区,注册资本3000万美元。 复宏汉霖主要致力于应用前沿技术进行单克隆抗体药物的开发及商业化,造福更多病患。 目前公司正在开发的产品主要覆盖肿瘤、自身免疫性疾病等领域。公司以全球联动整合创新为产品开发的理念,在中国上海、美国加州和台北均设有研发实验室,配备了单抗药物前期研发所需的符合国际化标准的各项仪器设备,其中上海实验室总面积约3,000 平方米,目前在建中的实验室面积约10,000平方米。现已完成单克隆抗体药物开发平台的建设。另外,复宏汉霖率先向国内引进了先进的一次性生产技术,进行单抗产品GMP生产。借助该项优势技术,复宏汉霖现已实现5年5个产品、5项适应症IND申报的高效研发,位于同行业领先地位。展望未来,复宏汉霖人将始终以“开发优质抗体药物,造福全球病患”为使命,不断探索创新,努力耕耘,积极打造深得信赖,领先中国进而影响全球的生物制药企业。 复宏汉霖矢志成为国内领先、国际一流的生物制药公司。而人才是公司成功的最重要的根基与动力。 期待您的加盟! 官网:http://www.henlius.com/
