• 无工作经验
  • 本科
  • 招2人
  • 11-09 发布
  • 五险一金
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  • 年终奖金
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  • 弹性工作


职位描述: 岗位职责:?负责执行分子生物学或者细胞生物学实验。包括细胞培养,细胞转染以及细胞活力检测.?His tag 蛋白质纯化?协助或单独完成基本分子生物学实验,例如,DNA、蛋白质电泳,westernblot及一般酶学实验?负责实验数据记录分析,报告撰写和数据的解释,并且在项目会议上参与陈述与讨论?参与实验室的日常维护工作。职位要求:?生物学、药学相关专业,本科以上学历。英文阅读及写作能力良好。?具有一定的分子生物学及细胞生物学理论及实践基础,有在药物研发领域继续学习的兴趣。?实验操作能力强,有较强的动手能力,积极主动,责任心强。?有良好的团队协作精神和沟通能力。?具有蛋白质表达纯化及酶学相关经验者优先?具有实际执行或建立生物学实验相关经验者优先。Job description? Responsible for cell culture, cell transfection, cell viability measurement and cell-based assay development.? To conduct protein expression and purification, basic molecular biology and biochemistry experiments independently or associate with a senior scientists.? Part of an interdisciplinary team responsible for assay development? Maintain accurate documentation of detail experiments and research results? resent research results in project and department meetingsQualifications:? The potential candidates should have B.S. degree or above in molecular biology, cell biology orBiotechnology, and good English writing and reading ability.? A strong interest in drug development is needed.? Basic knowledge of molecular biology and biochemistry is required.? Being able to clearly explain the experiment result to the project manager.? Being able to work alone or in the team.? The potential candidate with protein expression and purification, as well as assay development experience is prioritized. 职能类别: 生物工程/生物制药




