• 无工作经验
  • 招若干人
  • 11-09 发布


职位描述: Major responsibilities:?Understands overall brand strategies of Marketing Department and follow the strategy to develop project.?Engages in rigorous data analysis to support insights generation and identify current trends, challenges (including competitors) and opportunities in the therapeutic area?Uses a broad set of channels ( e.g. surveys, field visits, KOL relationships) to gather deep customer insights to gain holistic understanding of the patient journey and what motivates and drivers customer behavior?Develops marketing messages, positioning and communication materials that are consistent with the product label, positioning and product strategy?Works effectively with internal partners to help to develop and gain alignment of Functional Plan?Adapts the global brand guidelines and messages to the local value drivers and regulatory environment?Generates insights and proposes the base case and alternative scenarios and creates contingency strategies for discrete components of a product strategyLeading Compliance & Integrity Culture?Embrace BMS culture of integrity and strictly adhere to BMS policy, BMS White Book and Standards of Business Conduct &Ethics.?Actively monitors the team members to prevent non-compliant behavior and looks into details before approving any expenses?Takes accountability to own organized events and provides adequate documentations. If organizes any event, must comply with all company policy and makes sure all activities are closed within 90 days after the event date. If subordinates are responsible for organizing events, must monitor the responsible person close PO’s within 90 days after the event date.?Is Compliant with the norms of the business communication, ethics, subordination, regulations of the confidentiality.Leading Self:?Proactively obtains and innovatively refines the information including external market trends and the internal rules and regulations, internal procedures, messages, goals and vision of the management of the organization and shares relevant information with the team and colleagues timely to achieve company goal.?Timely performs tasks, orders and instructions of the manager.?Escalates / Reports to the manager of the department or function about all the challenges and shortcomings within Employee’s power and competency.?Proposes motions for the work development related to the Role. 职能类别: 药品市场推广经理




中美上海施贵宝制药有限公司(SASS)是百时美施贵宝公司(BMS)在中国的投资企业,于1982年成立,是中国第一批中美合资制药企业,其以先进技术、现代管理、优质产品和良好业绩闻名全国。被《财富》评为世界五百强企业之一的百时美施贵宝公司是从事医药及相关保健产品生产的全球性企业,它的使命是‘延长人类寿命,提高生活质量’。本公司崇尚团队合作及员工的热忱参与,承诺对每位员工提供一个安全、宽和、激励的工作环境和具有竞争力的薪酬福利。我们欢迎有识之士与我们一起共创未来。 关于公司的更多信息请浏览网站http://www.bms.com.cn。
