• 2年经验
  • 大专
  • 招若干人
  • 11-09 发布
  • 五险一金
  • 免费班车


职位描述: Expected Areas of Responsibilities工作职责1.Test product, raw material, packaging material, intermediate, stability sample and validation sample following testing standard, general method, Pharmacopeia, etc. Provide the accurate analytical result and report timely.根据测试标准、通用方法、药典、SOP等文件,对产品、原料、包装材料、中间体、稳定性样品、验证样品等进行测试,提供及时、准确的分析结果和报告2.Prepare, store and test media and buffer solution following manual or SOP.根据说明书或SOP,进行培养基、缓冲液的配制,测试和保存3.Monitor environment in sterile filling line according to SOP.根据SOP要求进入无菌生产区进行环境取样4.By accomplish the calibration and maintenance of assigned instruments, to ensure they are in good order to meet the analytical needs any time.完成指定仪器的维护、校验和保养工作,确保仪器设备随时满足分析需要5.Purchase consuming materials timely, to ensure the normal operation of daily work.及时采购耗材,保证日常工作的正常运行6.Deal with contaminated and dangerous waste following SOP.根据SOP对实验室污染的及危险废弃物进行处理7.Stick lab safety regulations to prevent occurrence of accident.严格遵守实验室安全规定,防止意外事故发生8.Complete other assignments given by superior.完成领导其他交办任务Educational/Knowledge Desired (including professional qualifications & language proficiency)必要的学历和专业资格,含语言能力1.College degree or above, major in Micro-biology or related具有微生物相关专业大专以上学历2.The knowledge of the microorganisms GMP具备微生物知识3.Knowledge of GMP具备GMP的知识4.Have an excellent ability to listen, speak, read and write in both English and Chinese具有良好的中英文听说读写能力Skills & Ability Desired必要的技能和能力1.Ability to perform basic mathematics具备数学基础2.Ability to use MS Office具备使用办公室软件的能力3.Ability of effective communication skill具备有效沟通的能力 职能类别: 生物工程/生物制药




中美上海施贵宝制药有限公司(SASS)是百时美施贵宝公司(BMS)在中国的投资企业,于1982年成立,是中国第一批中美合资制药企业,其以先进技术、现代管理、优质产品和良好业绩闻名全国。被《财富》评为世界五百强企业之一的百时美施贵宝公司是从事医药及相关保健产品生产的全球性企业,它的使命是‘延长人类寿命,提高生活质量’。本公司崇尚团队合作及员工的热忱参与,承诺对每位员工提供一个安全、宽和、激励的工作环境和具有竞争力的薪酬福利。我们欢迎有识之士与我们一起共创未来。 关于公司的更多信息请浏览网站http://www.bms.com.cn。
