• 3-4年经验
  • 本科
  • 招若干人
  • 11-09 发布
  • 五险一金
  • 餐饮补贴
  • 定期体检
  • 专业培训
  • 出国机会
  • 年终奖金


职位描述: Clinical Evaluation Scientist position is located in Shanghai R&D Technical Center, will be responsible for providing the clinical safety and clinical efficacy evaluation for cosmetic products and ingredients of formulas developed for Asia & Pacific Region and for Global markets.1)Research Partner (RP) position to support New Products & Innovation Program for APAC Region including support TSO (Technical Service Organization) program with required reformulations & cost savings projects. Deliver OTIF (on-time & in-cost) projects against FFA data (Final Formula Approval).2)Assess clinical testing needs for skin, personal care, color and fragrance products under development and/or reformulations3)Co-ordinate and execute clinical studies to evaluate product safety and efficacy with strong co-operation with Global Innovation Center in Suffern New York4)Co-ordinate internal and external research studies against approved budget5)Responsible for protocol development, adherence to GLP/GCPs and documentation6)Provide clinical study design and innovative claims support to product development and innovations programs7)Strong support R&D Assets for EPD program (Existing Product Development)8)Review and approval of claims for safety and efficacy of cosmetics products9)Coordinate with Global Innovation Center all APAC projects in area of Clinical Evaluation and ToxicologyJob Requirements/Qualifications?B.S/MS in a biological, pharmacology, biomedical, toxicology sciences or related with 2-3 years of clinical research/evaluation experience in international company as plus?Excellent communication skills, ability to write clearly and concisely, excellent interpersonal skills to establish professional working relationships with colleagues and site personnel?Must have attention of details, ability to prioritize, think independently, implement solutions and meet timelines?Very good computer skills are essential. Must have expertise in working MS Excel, PowerPoint, with good professional knowledge level of statistics?Must maintain a high degree of flexibility to accommodate fluctuating scheduling requirements in fast paced environment?Ability to function as team player working in highly matrixed environment?Must have excellent oral and written communication skills in English?Good blend of creativity and logic is a must with proactive attitude?Strong project management skills for high number of innovative, complex programs 职能类别: 临床研究员




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