11-09 发布
职位描述: ①年龄50岁以下,硕士以上学历,医药化工、药物化学、生物制药等相关专业毕业;②10年以上医药化工或药品生产工作经验,三年以上副总经理以上工作经验;③统筹全公司工作,有生产厂房筹备建设经验,组织公司产品生产线安装和改造;④精通医药化工企业管理,有较强的领导才能,对医药行业有较全面的了解,有很强的责任心,有较强的组织能力和沟通协调能力,愿意与企业同甘共苦并与企业一起成长的创业精神;⑤给总经理和董事会提合理化建议,对公司新产品开发提出建议。 职能类别: 生物工程/生物制药
重庆外商服务有限公司是为外国企业驻渝分支机构及各类国内企业提供劳务派遣和人事代理的专业服务机构。公司拥有一支熟悉政策法规、精通业务、办事快捷的专业队伍。公司自1986年成立以来,先后为众多的国内外知名企业提供劳务派遣、人事代理和人员招聘服务,行业涉及通信、IT、金融、汽车、石化、医药、商贸、物流、消费品。长期以来,公司以优质、高效、便捷的服务赢得客户的信任。 Chongqing Foreign Merchants Service Co., Ltd. is a professional service institution, engaging in labor dispatch and HR agency for Chongqing subsidiaries of foreign enterprises and various domestic enterprises. The Company has a team of professionals, who are familiar with the policies and regulations, as well as proficient and efficiency. The Corporation, since its establishment in 1986, has provided labor dispatch, HR agency and recruitment service for many well-known enterprises both at home and abroad, covering communications, IT, finance, automobiles, petro-chemistry, medicine, trade & commerce, logistics and consumables. The Corporation has gained trust from the customers by its high-quality, efficient and convenient service for a long period. 公司是中国对外服务工作行业协会常务理事单位,与国内同行有着紧密的业务联系和合作关系。 The Corporation is a standing executive member of China Association of Foreign Service Trades and has established intimate business relationship and partnership with domestic peers. 公司获得ISO9001:2000质量管理体系认证 The Corporation has obtained the ISO9001: 2000 Quality Management System Certification. 公司地址:重庆市江北区建新北路65号(外贸大楼14层) Address: F14, Foreign Trade Building, No. 65 Jianxin Beilu, Jiangbei District, Chongqing, China 邮编:400020 Code: 400020 网址:www.cqfesco.com URL: www.cqfesco.com
终端经理 4-6千/月
医药代表(成都) (职位编号:001) 1-1.5万/月
销售专员 2-3千/月
采购员 4.5-6千/月
医疗器械销售 3-4.5千/月
医药代表(普药+四川省内+全国) 5-7千/月
销售主管 4-5万/月
省区经理(医院) 10-20万/年
投标专员 3-5千/月
工艺技术员 4-5千/月
产品经理 (职位编号:001) 6-12万/年
医药代表(成都) 6-8千/月
来-年轻就要拼一把-链家销售,给你平台Y 0.8-1万/月
药厂 质量管理部 QA/QC 3-4.5千/月