• 3-4年经验
  • 硕士
  • 招若干人
  • 11-09 发布
  • 五险一金
  • 交通补贴
  • 通讯补贴
  • 出国机会
  • 绩效奖金
  • 年终奖金
  • 股票期权


职位描述: Responsibilities:1)Identify KOLs, establish and maintain OL database.2)Build relationships with KOLs to support clinical and research activities.3)Effective and scientific communication with KOLs to enhance scientific image at regional level.4)Acting as a field-based expert on product and disease; should develop and maintain extensive knowledge on product and disease in order to serve as a scientific resource.5)Responsibly interacting, educating and engaging identified KOLs to raise disease awareness on relevant disease by launching activities/events.6)Investigating on avenues where scientific information on the disease is needed and support opportunities with KOLs within the scope of their scientific focus.7)Provide medical training to sales team.8)Provide useful, timely, accurate, and balanced medical information to internal (Marketing and sales staff) and external customersQualifications:1. Mastre’s Degree in medicine and above preferred, with a minimum of 4 year experience in industry as medical scientific liaison.2. Working experience in multinational pharmaceutical companies preferred.3. Good communication and presentation skills. 职能类别: 医药学术推广 关键字: 医学顾问 学术 MSL




渥恩生物于2014年成立,总部位于上海市静安区,在广东、北京等地均有办事处。公司致力于研究医疗大数据和基于计算机的生信算法,面向患者、健康人群、医院及科研机构,产品应用于恶性肿瘤的精准治疗、肿瘤的动态监测、单基因遗传病的辅助诊断、疾病的风险管理等领域。为每个患者找到适合的治疗方案,延长患者的生命、提高患者的生活质量是我们不断努力的方向。 渥恩生物拥有全球领先的二代测序技术及优秀的数据分析解读团队,与上海某三甲医院达成合作协议,在院内共建联合实验室,该实验室引入了获国家食品药品监督管理总局(CFDA)批准应用于临床检测的 NextSeqCN500 基因测序仪;渥恩总部实验室是国内首家八分区分子诊断实验室,拥有先进的ctDNA提取技术,配备先进的测序仪器。 渥恩生物旗下渥恩医学检验所拥有先进的医学检验技术,获卫计委颁发的临床医学检验所资格证书,目前可为临床提供多项检测项目,包含恶性肿瘤的个体化治疗及疗效监测服务、遗传性疾病的风险评估及健康管理、罕见病的辅助诊断、遗传性眼病辅助诊断、遗传性皮肤病辅助诊断等服务。同时,渥恩医学检验所完整的科研服务体系、完善的科研服务流程、独家的 AccuTatget 分子标签技术,整合了全球权威生物医学大数据和生信算法的 AMGO Touch 平台,可为医疗机构及科研机构提供实时的、在线的科研服务。
