上海相关职位: 研究员级(医药研发) 助理研究员(医药研发) 生产操作/质量(应届生招聘) 国际注册主管/专员 质量保证专员 质量保证专员 杂交瘤平台主管/科学家(医药研发) 细胞培养技术员/工程师(药厂) 细胞培养技术员/工程师(药厂) 细胞培养技术员/工程师(药厂)
周边城市招聘: 上海 浙江 安徽 广东 山东 河北 重庆 北京 江苏 湖南
企业入驻日期: 2017-11-09
职位描述: 岗位职责:1、心血管基础科研仪器市场推广与销售;2、按时拜访客户,做好客户关系的维护工作,积极协调和配合客户做好项目的执行;3、掌握市场信息,做好市场调研,积极开拓新的客户和市场,及时发现市场的变化,积极应对市场调整;4、负责投标工作,跟进投标工作的进展;5、与公司财务,商务等部门积极合作协调做好项目的执行工作,确保项目优质顺利执行;6、提高所代理产品的知识,配合国外合作伙伴做好产品的宣传推广工作;7、仪器安装与维护,做好技术支持与服务;我们对您的期望:-生命科学、医学、药学相关专业背景,本科以上学历;-为人正直,抗压能力强,能适应频繁差旅;-性格开朗,思维活跃,具有良好的团队合作精神;-具有良好的协调沟通表达能力;-熟练的中英文听说读写能力,能熟练使用office办公软件; 职能类别: 生物工程/生物制药 招投标管理 关键字: 产品专员 销售工程师 销售代表 周末双休 带薪年假 年终双薪 奖金丰厚
China Gate Company was first established in China Hong Kong in 2006 to represent Western manufacturers of life and physical science equipment. The China Gate Company is specifically structured to introduce new technology to research and teaching scientists in Greater China. Our strategy for achieving this is to provide continual application support to our customers until they are producing the results for which the equipment was intended.Academically qualified product managers, reference laboratories, seminars with visiting experts and carefully produced multimedia resources are all part of our strategy to secure our customer's satisfaction. China Gate Company supplies instruments for physiologists, pharmacologists,cardio-vascular biologists,oncologists,neuroscientists,biomedical researchers,metabolic researchers,teachers and electrochemists. The main products China Gate distributes include, 1.Danish Myo Technology A/S, Micro Vessel Myograph and Tissue Organ Bath System. (Danish) 2. Transonic Scisense Inc, Micro Pressure and Pressure-Volume Catheter. (Canadian) 3. Oxford Optronix Ltd, Tissue vitality monitoring and Cell Colony Counting and Hypoxia environmental work stations. (English) 4. Ugo Basile Srl. Animal Behavior Research System. (Italian) 5. iWorx Systems Inc, Physiologist’s Tool. (American) 6. Sable Systems International Inc, Promethion Metabolic MeasureMent System (American) 7. Indus Instruments Inc, MouseDoppler? cardiovascular function systems. (American) 8. ImpediMed Ltd, Human/Animal Body Composition Measurement System. (Australian) 9. Neurostar GmbH, Motorized Stereotaxic Instruments. (German) 10. Bio Research Center Co., Ltd, Teleopto Wireless Optogenetic Stimulator. (Japanese) In the ten years since establishment, China Gate Company has introduced new technology successfully for a number of companies, and now acts as sole distributor for many of them.For a select number of companies we provide an office presence in China, allowing us to manage their brand and reputation. We have provided scientists in Greater China with equipment for a very wide range of applications. Our efforts to assist scientists to achieve the results they demand has produced very loyal customers and has secured the reputation of many product lines that we manage. Our customers now include many of the top universities, research institutes and hospitals in the country, and this grows with each year. We guarantee you good opportunities, a great future and attractive income/bonus/training and we're looking forward to you joining us.
眼科产品销售主管 4.5-6千/月
QC理化技术员 0.6-1万/月
临床技术培训 综合薪资8K+ 0.8-1万/月
销售助理(双休/包住) 3-6千/月
销售文员(双休/免费住宿) 3-4.5千/月
医药销售区域经理 1-1.5万/月
医药代表(包住) 3-6千/月
临床代表 3-8千/月
操作工 3-4.5千/月
医药代表 3-8千/月
医药销售代表 3-8千/月
医药销售代表 3-8千/月
基药代表 3-4.5千/月
医药代表 3-4.5千/月
专科医药代表 3-8千/月
上海相关职位: 研究员级(医药研发) 助理研究员(医药研发) 生产操作/质量(应届生招聘) 国际注册主管/专员 质量保证专员 质量保证专员 杂交瘤平台主管/科学家(医药研发) 细胞培养技术员/工程师(药厂) 细胞培养技术员/工程师(药厂) 细胞培养技术员/工程师(药厂)
周边城市招聘: 上海 浙江 安徽 广东 山东 河北 重庆 北京 江苏 湖南
企业入驻日期: 2017-11-09