广州相关职位: 理化组主管 实验动物饲养员 益生菌研发实习生 I 期临床商务副总监 一期临床项目经理 化药制剂项目组长/主管 药物合成一般研究人员(小分子或多肽) 安全性评价中心 常务副主任 一般毒理负责人 药物合成高级研究人员(杂质研究方向)
周边城市招聘: 上海 浙江 安徽 广东 山东 河北 重庆 北京 江苏 湖南
企业入驻日期: 2017-11-09
职位描述: 主要职责及任职要求: MAIN REPONSIBILITIES / DUTIES Maximize the value of Pfizer products to Chinese patients and health care professional within Pfizer’s vision and mission. Develop KOLs management strategy and action plan. Establish the channel with China academic organization in the field to communicate medical information/progress to key influencers and stakeholders. Implement medical programs and activities of inline products and pipeline in the fields. Provide professional medical training to commercial teams. 1. Field based medical to medical communication and KOL management ·Provide contributes to mapping/ profiling of KOLs in line with segmentation (national, regional). ·Communicate complex cutting edge technical information, and product update to health care professionals as aligned with Pfizer China's corporate goals and objectives. ·Collaborate with Pfizer colleagues to actively support medical and scientific meetings by medical input and insights ·Speak at regional medical communication meeting to deliver assigned products information and Q&A ·Meet customer medical needs and expectations with regards to assigned brand(s) for delivery of products messages to KOLs ·Provide timely feedback of KOL’s comments and insight to supervisors and relevant medical advisors ·Cooperate and align with medical advisors to engage KOLs 2. Implement medical programs and activities in fields ·Discuss research concept with interested researcher, and communicated the nature and requirement of Pfizer’s IIR based on IIR strategies ·Facilitate submission of investigator initiated pre-clinical and clinical proposals, and act as a Liaison between Pfizer and IIR researcher ·Facilitate research proposal screening and study placement, and follow up activities ·Facilitate and support Pfizer sponsored Non interventional study and other medical programs if applicable 3. Improve sale team medical ability through medical training ,lecture delivery and medical knowledge ·Organize face to face meeting or Webex meeting to cascade medical information to improve sale team’s medical ability ·Present at POA and regional sales meetings for medical information 4. Medical input to product medical and brand plan Collect, analyze and report timely local customer medical insights to input on product strategy and message development Work with (Senior) medical advisor and product manager proactively to assist product strategy implementation 5. Provide medical expert opinion in safety events management to avoid negative impact ·Provide professional medical consultation to Safety Officer to solve Pfizer products’ safety query ·If take clinician role: provide the clinical safety oversight including performing and documenting; regular review of individual subject safety data and performing review of cumulative safety data with the safety risk lead (as delegated by the clinical lead) ·If take clinical lead role: consistent with SRP, performs and documents regular review of individual subject safety data, and performs review of cumulative safety data with the safety risk lead. As appropriate, the clinical lead may delegate these responsibilities to the study clinician identified in the SRP. The specific components of safety data review are detailed in the Safety Data Review Guide – for Clinicians and in SAF 09 SOP. For all studies, clinical safety review should be performed in consultation with a designated medical monitor if neither clinical lead nor clinicians are medically qualified 6. Ensure company’s medical compliance ·Implement medical programs and activities within medical compliance ·Comunicate medical information with compliance REQUIRED SKILL SET · Technical Therapeutic area knowledge: familiar with the disease knowledge and clinical practice of the therapeutic area Language: Proficiency in reading and writing English Good understanding about pharmaceutical business Computer: Good at Microsoft Office software(Outlook/Word/Excel) Strong business acumen Cross functional leadership skill Strong communication and influencing skill · Managerial Sustain Focus on Performance Create an Inclusive Environment Encourage Open Discussion and Debate Manage Change Align Across Pfizer · Certifications N/A · Education Clinical Medicine Background, Master Degree or above in the defined therapeutic area is preferred · Experience At least 2 years clinical practice experience in defined area with good medical knowledge Good understanding about pharmaceutical business, Medical affairs experience or clinical studies experience in multinational pharmaceutical companies is preferred 简历投递邮箱:job-south.china@pfizer.com 职能类别: 专业顾问 生物工程/生物制药
辉瑞公司(Pfizer Inc.)创建于1849年,迄今已有160多年的历史,总部位于美国纽约,是目前全球最大的以研发为基础的生物制药公司。辉瑞致力于运用创新的科学技术以及全球资源来改善每个生命阶段的健康和福祉。 我们的目标是“ ”。我们的使命是“ ”。 2012年辉瑞公司全年合计收入590亿美元,研发投入78亿美元。辉瑞在全球拥有9万多名员工,59家生产基地,业务遍及全球150多个国家和地区。2012年财富全球500强企业中辉瑞排名126位。 目前辉瑞公司的产品覆盖了包括化学药物、生物制剂、疫苗、健康药物、动物保健品等用于人类、动物和消费者保健等诸多广泛而极具潜力的治疗及健康领域,同时其卓越的研发和生产能力处于全球领先地位。 在人类和动物药品的发现、开发和生产过程中,辉瑞始终致力于奉行严格的质量、安全和价值标准。每天,分布在世界各地的辉瑞员工致力于促进当地医疗卫生的发展以及探索能够应对当今最为棘手疾病的预防和治疗方案。 辉瑞还与世界各地的医疗卫生专业人士、政府和社区合作,支持世界各地的人们能够获得更为可靠和可承付的医疗卫生服务。这与辉瑞作为一家世界领先的生物制药公司的责任是一致的。160多年来,辉瑞一直努力为人们提供更好、更优质的服务。 辉瑞生物制药目前在华上市的创新药物已超过50个,其治疗领域涵盖了心脑血管及代谢、抗感染、中枢神经、抗炎镇痛、抗肿瘤、泌尿、疫苗及等诸多领域。其中如立普妥®、络活喜®、万艾可®、舒普深®、希舒美®、沛儿®、索坦®许多产品在市场上处于领先地位。为了让中国的广大患者能及时接受与全球同步的先进的药物治疗,辉瑞未来将进一步加大和加快在华新药引进和上市的力度和速度。 辉瑞健康药物旗下的善存®、钙尔奇®、惠菲宁®等消费保健产品也在中国市场家喻户晓,并以其优异的品质深受广大消费者的青睐;辉瑞旗下的硕腾动物保健品*为中国的动物保健市场提供各类领先的动物疫苗和动物药品。 At Pfizer, we apply science and our global resources to improve health and well-being at every stage of life. We strive to set the standard for quality, safety and value in the discovery, development and manufacturing of medicines for people and animals. Our diversified global health care portfolio includes human and animal biologic and small molecule medicines and vaccines, as well as nutritional products of healthcare industry and many of the world's best-known healthcare products such as Centrum. Every day, Pfizer colleagues work across developed and emerging markets to advance wellness, prevention, treatments and cures that challenge the most feared diseases of our time. Consistent with our responsibility as the world's leading biopharmaceutical company, we also collaborate with health care providers, governments and local communities to support and expand access to reliable, affordable health care around the world. For more than 160 years, Pfizer has worked to make a difference for all who rely on us.
维修工程师 0.5-1.5万/月
销售应用专员 4.5-6千/月
招投标专员 3-4.5千/月
医疗器械销售经理 1-1.5万/月
药物合成工程师/助理工程师(职位编号:02) 10-20万/年
医药销售代表/学术推广(辉瑞欣母沛-长沙) 6-8千/月
客户代表 0.6-1.5万/月
客户经理(医美机构) 0.6-1.5万/月
会计主管 5-6万/年
区域销售 4-6千/月
市场服务部主管(职位编号:04) 0.8-1万/月
市场部主管(医疗器械) 0.8-1万/月
医学影像产品(DR)/技术总监 0.8-1.2万/月
法规注册专员 4.5-6千/月
美工 6-8千/月
广州相关职位: 理化组主管 实验动物饲养员 益生菌研发实习生 I 期临床商务副总监 一期临床项目经理 化药制剂项目组长/主管 药物合成一般研究人员(小分子或多肽) 安全性评价中心 常务副主任 一般毒理负责人 药物合成高级研究人员(杂质研究方向)
周边城市招聘: 上海 浙江 安徽 广东 山东 河北 重庆 北京 江苏 湖南
企业入驻日期: 2017-11-09