11-09 发布
- 五险一金
- 绩效奖金
- 出国机会
- 专业培训
- 员工旅游
职位描述: 分析化学、农药合成等相关专业本科以上学历,英语四级以上;从事实验室分析、检测工作。主要负责对农药化工产品进行分析、检测、鉴定,参与并主导产品开发,产品技术改进。有实验室管理工作或供应商管理经验的更有机会晋升技术管理岗位职能。 职能类别: 化工实验室研究员/技术员 化学分析测试员 关键字: 周末双休 带薪年假 年终分红 高温补贴 节日福利
深圳市雁程化工有限公司成立于1997年6月,位于深圳市南山高新技术产业园区,是一家致力于农药化工产品技术研发、品牌创新和全球营销的农药化工企业。雁程化工的农药国外登记始于1999年,是最早把中国农化产品成功推向国际市场的实践者与先行者。近20年来,我们一直致力于农药登记投入和国际市场拓展,先后在欧洲、南美、非洲等几十个国家和地区登记了近400个(次)产品,另有150余个(次)产品登记工作正在进行中。营销网络覆盖欧、美、非等几大洲的60多个国家和地区。 雁程化工始终认为人才是企业发展之本,是公司不断发展壮大的关键。我们把塑造“自强奉献,协同创新”的精英团队工程,构建“诚信笃实,健康和谐”的企业文化作为使命必达的战略重点。公司奉行“德才兼备,内外并行”,“培养与引进同步,相马与赛马并举,职业与事业相长”的人才观,为员工提供良好的工作环境,富有竞争力的薪酬及福利保障;我们倡导“让员工成为专家,让专家走进雁程,让雁程走向世界,深入人心”。我们热忱期待优秀人才加盟,雁程化工将为您提供一个充分发挥能力的广阔空间和提升人生价值的大舞台。 Shenzhen Yancheng Chemicals Co., Limited, established in 1997, is a professional company specializing in manufacture, research and distribution of agrochemicals. We provide the clients with qualified products, overall registration support, comprehensive service as well as professional crop protection solutions. Through years of unremitting effort, Yancheng Chemicals has been a leading tech-oriented pesticide company in China. “Quality first, credit foremost” is our consistent commitment. Registration service is also the strategic emphasis of Yancheng Chemicals. We have accumulated plenty of registration documents including 5-batch analysis report, toxicity report, physical and chemical properties report and others, most of which were conducted by famous GLP laboratories and could be accepted worldwide. We are holding more than 150 ICAMA registrations and nearly 400 overseas registrations in target markets. Currently, our marketing network covers more than 60 countries, where we enjoy high reputation from the clients due to high quality and comprehensive service. We dedicate ourselves to develop the environment-friendly agrochemicals with high efficiency, low toxicity and low residue for the sustainable development of our career. We sincerely wish to establish win-win cooperation with you to create a brilliant future together! Yancheng Chemicals' glorious journey started in 1997, aiming to provide crop protection solutions and qualified products for global agriculture. Through cooperation with well-known companies, research institutes and GLP. laboratories, we have accumulated abundant registration resources , we can provide strong technical supports for product registration worldwide. our products conform to the highest international standards and specifications of FAO, EU and USA.Our marketing network covers more than 40 countries in Europe, Latin America and Africa, where we enjoy high reputation due to high quality and comprehensive services. We invest into sustainability for the future. We sincerely wish to establish a constructive strategic partnership with you. 附言:深圳雁程化工的农药国外登记工作及品牌营销工作始于1999年,领先同行10年;近20年的登记投入和市场拓展经验,厚积薄发,蓄势以待。所提供岗位包括国际市场拓展经理,总经理秘书,外贸业务员,采购经理,农药国外登记专员/经理,实验室检测分析员,法务专员,HR专员,财务经理等,以上岗位有着丰厚的历史积淀,含金量高,颇具发展空间和前景。技术及市场类岗位均有欧美等国外差旅及驻外工作机会。 雁程化工为纯外向型企业,自购高端办公场所,资金实力雄厚(一个登记产品需投入两三百万),经营作风稳健,从未举债经营,愿为有职业理想的杰出人才提供坚实宽广的平台,丰厚的回报空间。