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  • 11-09 发布
  • 五险一金
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职位描述: 1、药物制剂本科或相关专业硕士学历;2、在制药企业从事三年以上化药新药或仿制药固体制剂研发工作经验,经历过1-2个完整的项目流程;3、熟练使用固体制剂常规设备(如:粉碎机、制粒机、压片机、包衣机、胶囊机、流化床等)4、具有良好的团队协作精神及沟通能力,自主带领团队完成工作;5、有申报资料的整理和撰写经验优先;6、熟悉药物研发法规和流程者优先;7、良好的英文阅读能力,能熟练查阅外文文献及相关标准。 职能类别: 医药技术研发管理人员 关键字: 研发 新药 制剂研究 药剂 药物制剂 周末双休 带薪年假 五险一金 加班补助




赛乐医药科技(上海)有限公司,开创于美国,专业从事制药领域药物传递技术的研发、普药及创新药物产品的开发和制造。公司以向全球提供物美价廉、创新和质量可靠的药品为使命。公司利用其建立的独特药物传递技术及产品开发方面的专业性,面向国际医药市场开发新化合实体药物及专利保护到期的药品。公司管理团队由一群专业于创新及通用药品的研发、合规生产和法规注册领域,经验丰富的成员组成。 Salus Pharma Technology (Shanghai)Co.,Ltd is based in US, technology driven specialty pharmaceutical company engaged in drug delivery technology development and generic & innovative product development & manufacturing. Elite Pharma utilizes its established drug delivery technologies and know-how to develop innovative drug products for new chemical entities, aging compounds near the end of their life cycle, and difficult-to-formulate generics for highly regulated international pharmaceutical markets. Our management team consists of a group of well experienced members with expertise in the area of drug delivery technologies, pharmaceutical product development, manufacturing, compliance, regulatory affairs & marketing. Our mission: Create innovative, high quality & affordable pharmaceutical products for the mankind.
