• 1年经验
  • 大专
  • 招1人
  • 11-09 发布
  • 五险一金
  • 交通补贴
  • 年终奖金


职位描述: ?Work closely with Business Units and other functions to get forecast alignment in the most reasonable range, targeting no write-off and stock-out?Guarantee data synchronization in multiple systems and reports?Facilitate IBP process, APAC reporting and company projects related to demand planning and forecasting?Support Business Units to develop 24 months rolling forecast and strategic long term plan based on market and data insights, by leveraging knowledge or market change, historical patterns, predictive modeling, and eliminate bias and noise in forecast?Work with project team, Business Units, and other function teams to well align and maintain forecast data in systems, and ensure data synchronization (one data set of truth) between different systems and release the agreed figures to supply planning?In depth understand of business trend, new product launch and development, and impact of market activities to supply and channel?Analyze failure, propose solutions, and implement necessary action to improve planning accuracy?Identify new options to increase growth based on underserved areas 职能类别: 物流专员/助理 其他 关键字: 物流 供应链 专员 医药 制药 计划




默克雪兰诺有限公司 默克雪兰诺是总部位于德国达姆施塔特的全球医药和化工集团默克公司旗下生物制药业务分支。默克雪兰诺总部设在瑞士日内瓦,致力于发现、开发、生产和销售针对特定适应症的化学和生物的处方药。北美业务在美国和加拿大以EMD 雪兰诺的名称运营。 默克雪兰诺中国总部位于北京,拥有员工约1200人,业务遍及全国。目前,默克雪兰诺在中国经营9个领域18种药品,在未来几年里,还将上市多种新药。
