上海相关职位: 放射类产品销售 (职位编号:销售02-02) 质检助理(文职类) 助理验证工程师(020-170307) (职位编号:020-170307) 体外诊断试剂研发人员(工作地点上海) 地区经理 OTC医药代表 工艺工程师 临床监察员(临床CRA) 学术推广专员 QC专员
周边城市招聘: 上海 浙江 安徽 广东 山东 河北 重庆 北京 江苏 湖南
企业入驻日期: 2017-11-09
上海之江生物科技股份有限公司(证券代码:834839)是一家专业从事基因诊断试剂及仪器研发/生产及销售的高新技术企业,是国内分子诊断试剂行业的龙头企业之一。公司总部位于上海漕河泾浦江高科技园区,研发中心和生产厂区面积达10,000余 m2。之江生物在美国的研发中心,坐落于美国三大生命科学基地之一的加州圣地亚哥市,对接海外先进技术/增加国内外交流。 目前公司已完成了近400项的基因诊断快速诊断产品的研发,是国内感染性疾病分子诊断产品最为齐全的企业。由之江生物自主研发的《埃博拉病毒核酸测定试剂盒(荧光PCR法)》荣获首家CFDA批准,作为世界卫生组织(WHO)正式宣布纳入其官方采购名录,也是亚太地区唯一一家被批准的单位。自主研发的试剂包括2013年人感染禽流感H7N9(全球首个)/2009年H1N1/2008年手足口病和2003年非典,在重大公共卫生事件(北京奥运/上海世博/广州亚运/非洲埃博拉疫情援助)中发挥重要作用。 公司将为员工提供一个良好的工作平台和晋升空间,相信,我们拥有共同的目标和愿景使得我们聚在一起,并朝着我们的目标一起前进/奋斗! 简历投递邮箱地址:zhijiang_biotech@163.com (投递时请注明:姓名-应聘职位) Liferiver is a leading PCR-based molecular diagnostics solution provider, developing, manufacturing and marketing real-time PCR diagnostic kits as well as instruments. Real-time PCR diagnostic kits are mainly used in the fields of clinic & hospital, disease control, inspection & quarantine of imports & exports, food inspection, veterinary & fishery. Liferiver was established in 2005 and has a talented workforce of close to 200 employees. We offer over 300 types of testing kits covering infectious disease, genetic disease, tumor, organ transplantation and others. Our products sell to more than 70 countries including US, Switzerland, Australia, UAE, Venezuela, Mexico, India, Thailand, Iraq, etc. Headquartered in Shanghai, Liferiver has offices in both China and US. Our 6,000 square feet US office sits at San Diego of California and focuses on emerging technologies & product research as well as the development of global markets especially US market. Liferiver--Total Solution for PCR / Molecular Diagnostics Automated Workstation for DNA/RNA Extraction & PCR Setup (Autrax) Real-Time PCR System (Life 96) Over 300 Types of Real-Time PCR Kits
上海之江生物科技股份有限公司(证券代码:834839)是一家专业从事基因诊断试剂及仪器研发/生产及销售的高新技术企业,是国内分子诊断试剂行业的龙头企业之一。公司总部位于上海漕河泾浦江高科技园区,研发中心和生产厂区面积达10,000余 m2。之江生物在美国的研发中心,坐落于美国三大生命科学基地之一的加州圣地亚哥市,对接海外先进技术/增加国内外交流。 目前公司已完成了近400项的基因诊断快速诊断产品的研发,是国内感染性疾病分子诊断产品最为齐全的企业。由之江生物自主研发的《埃博拉病毒核酸测定试剂盒(荧光PCR法)》荣获首家CFDA批准,作为世界卫生组织(WHO)正式宣布纳入其官方采购名录,也是亚太地区唯一一家被批准的单位。自主研发的试剂包括2013年人感染禽流感H7N9(全球首个)/2009年H1N1/2008年手足口病和2003年非典,在重大公共卫生事件(北京奥运/上海世博/广州亚运/非洲埃博拉疫情援助)中发挥重要作用。 公司将为员工提供一个良好的工作平台和晋升空间,相信,我们拥有共同的目标和愿景使得我们聚在一起,并朝着我们的目标一起前进/奋斗! 简历投递邮箱地址:zhijiang_biotech@163.com (投递时请注明:姓名-应聘职位) Liferiver is a leading PCR-based molecular diagnostics solution provider, developing, manufacturing and marketing real-time PCR diagnostic kits as well as instruments. Real-time PCR diagnostic kits are mainly used in the fields of clinic & hospital, disease control, inspection & quarantine of imports & exports, food inspection, veterinary & fishery. Liferiver was established in 2005 and has a talented workforce of close to 200 employees. We offer over 300 types of testing kits covering infectious disease, genetic disease, tumor, organ transplantation and others. Our products sell to more than 70 countries including US, Switzerland, Australia, UAE, Venezuela, Mexico, India, Thailand, Iraq, etc. Headquartered in Shanghai, Liferiver has offices in both China and US. Our 6,000 square feet US office sits at San Diego of California and focuses on emerging technologies & product research as well as the development of global markets especially US market. Liferiver--Total Solution for PCR / Molecular Diagnostics Automated Workstation for DNA/RNA Extraction & PCR Setup (Autrax) Real-Time PCR System (Life 96) Over 300 Types of Real-Time PCR Kits
上海相关职位: 放射类产品销售 (职位编号:销售02-02) 质检助理(文职类) 助理验证工程师(020-170307) (职位编号:020-170307) 体外诊断试剂研发人员(工作地点上海) 地区经理 OTC医药代表 工艺工程师 临床监察员(临床CRA) 学术推广专员 QC专员
周边城市招聘: 上海 浙江 安徽 广东 山东 河北 重庆 北京 江苏 湖南
企业入驻日期: 2017-11-09