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  • 11-09 发布


职位描述: 职位目标 Job Purpose:(请简述设置该职位的原因及必须达成的目标/why job exists and what is expected to achieve)根据公司整体战略和当地要求,区域商务经理起到一个市场准入开门人的作用,找到,设计和管理分配平台,经过经销商的安排,通过医院,药店或其他医疗保健点来送达到患者和/或消费者手中。According to overall company strategy and local requirement, perform as market access enabler by finding, designing and managing a distribution platform to reach patients and/or consumers through hospitals, pharmacies or other healthcare facilities which are supplied through sub distributors (SD).经销商管理包括了商务,渠道,定价因素。需要对市场情况和利益相关人的利益有很深的理解,这一点是十分重要的。即时调整战略,与销售团队和市场团队并肩作战也是重中之重。SD management include business, channel and pricing components. Good knowledge of market situation and stakeholders is critical and timely coordination and cooperation with sales team and marketing team is a must.主要工作职责 Main Job Responsibilities:?3个主要工作职责3 main functions:o供应链和ITM销售Supply Chain and ITM saleso市场准入Market accesso存货和信息管理Inventory and information management?供应链和ITM销售Supply Chain and ITM saleso确立ITM销售目标和每个经销商的授权医院,完成每年的经销商合约。Setting ITM sales target and authorized hospitals per sub-distributor, complete annual sub-distribution agreement;o管理经销商的订单,即时与他们沟通联络,就质量保证,产品概况(包装,定价,上市许可证),营业执照和其他相关事宜做进一步交流,确保双方合作通畅有效。Manage orders with SDs and timely communicate with them for matter related to QA, product information (packaging, pricing, license), business license and other relevant matters needed to perform business in a compliant and efficient mannero调整经销商的销售策略,确保双边合作顺畅无阻,也能达到预期的销售目标Regulating sub-distribution business practices to ensure smooth bilateral cooperation and achievement of sales target;o在销售,市场和注册中间起到一个中间人的作用,优化内外部销售业绩表现,加速市场发展进程。Inter-services cooperation with Sales, Marketing and Registration to optimize internal and external sales performance, accelerate market development progress.?市场准入Market accesso找到合适的经销商,开拓新的市场,开发现有市场。Finding suitable SD for new market to open and/or expansion in existing marketo持续评估现有的经销商,如果表现不得力可以给予适当帮助或者及时终止合作Continue assessment of existing SD to enhance their performance or terminate if not suitableo与利益相关人合作协调保证当地定价,报销和竞标相关事宜得以积极进行。Cooperation and coordination with relevant stakeholders to ensure proactive management of pricing, reimbursement and bidding related matters nationally and locally?存货和信息管理Inventory and information managemento优化经销商渠道存货盘点,产品存货流转和消费。Optimizing of sub-distribution channel inventory, improving products inventory rotation and consumption?管理整体渠道数据(销售和存货)来确保所有数据精准,完整,得以即时上报总部,以供分析和估算销售奖励。与其他团队的配合的角色及职责请见下图Manage overall channel data (sales and inventory) to ensure ALL data to be accurate, complete and timely provided to HQ for reporting, analysis and sales incentive computation purpose. Roles & Responsibilities by interacting with other team is as below 任职条件Qualifications: (关键专业技能和行为技能Key technical skills & Key behavior skills)?Bachelor degree or above本科以上学历? 3 years or above district or regional SDs management and strong field selling experience3年或以上区域代理商管理以及销售经验?Healthcare experience医疗保健行业经验?Highly developed channel development skills具备渠道开发能力?Strong ability of bidding and government relations良好招投标及政府事务能力?Strong verbal and written communication skills both in Chinese and English良好的中英文书面及口头沟通能力?Computer literate with advanced proficiency in desktop applications e.g. Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Outlook, salesforce CRM.熟练运用电脑软件,销售管理系统胜任力Competency?思路敏捷,实事求是,有决策力,执行力,无偏见Fast, fact-based decision making with strong implementation skills and bias towards action?团队合作Team player?注重结果Result oriented?高强度下即时完成工作Ability to perform under stress and tigth timeline?自主自立,完成目标的时候有主动性Self-starter, highly proactive and shows initiative in executing against performance objectives.?成熟处理相关保密敏感事宜Maturity to deal with matters of confidentiality and sensitivity?在团队内部有效沟通和合作能力Powerful inter-departmental communication and cooperation ability?顺从并且人品正直Compliance and personal ethics?优秀的商务谈判技巧Good negotiation skills 职能类别: 医药招商




公司网址:www.urgo.cn 全球简介 法国优格集团公司(VIVA SANTE)是一家历史悠久的跨国集团公司,创立于1890年。历经了120多年,专业从事伤口愈合、外科敷料、皮肤护理及非处方药品。创新和全球化引领公司不断成长。VIVA SANTE集团于1998年进入中国市场。独有的脂质水胶专利技术(TLC)使换药无痛,促进伤口愈合。VIVA SANTE公司的科学家团队由化学家、聚合物专家、医师、工艺师、生物学家和药学家组成,致力于推动活性物质和智能材料的前沿研究。 优格的业务 优格公司的产品行销80多个国家,在全球9个国家设立分支机构和销售代表处。公司提倡多元文化,严控产品安全,严格进行的临床研究与评估。自1997年以来开展了55个临床试验,入选2500名患者进行了30000例观察性研究。VIVA SANTE公司的使命是为中国的医务工作者和患者提供高质量的革新产品及完善的专业售后服务。我们的宗旨是成为中国医疗保健领域的主要战略伙伴,高瞻远瞩,回报社会。
