• 3-4年经验
  • 本科
  • 招若干人
  • 11-09 发布


职位描述: MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS 任职条件 • Education / Experience 教育背景及工作经验 • BS- or MS-degree in engineering or equivalent; • 工程学士或硕士,或等同学历 • Additional diploma/degree in Finance or Management (e.g. MBA, BBA) welcome; • 辅修财务或管理(MBA,BBA)尤佳。 • 3 + years of experience in power plant business (engineering or commercial issues); • 3年以上电厂业务经验(工程或商务) • 2 + years of experience in project management of power (in leading function/management position); • 2年以上电厂项目管理经验(位居主要部门或管理岗位) • English / Chinese proficiency. Other languages are welcome • 中英文流利. 同时会其它语种尤佳。 • Specific knowledge 专业知识 • Power generation market dynamics; • 电力市场动态 • Project management tools/methods, planning/budgeting/monitoring; • 项目管理工具/方法,计划/预算/控制 • International/domestic contracting practices for power; • 国际/国内电厂合同实务 • Strategic thinking & entrepreneurial attitude; • 战略思维以及务实态度 • Strong personality (discipline, energy, ability to handle stress, persistency, stamina, courage,); • 人格魅力(纪律,精力,处理压力的能力,坚持与毅力,斗志…) • Ability to form and to lead teams. Good team player; • 组织与领导团队的能力,优秀的团队成员 • Ability to plan, organize and coordinate. Ability to set priorities and to achieve targets. Ability to delegate and to supervise; • 计划、组织与协调的能力;优先级识别并达到目标的能力;授权与监督的能力 • Readiness to make decisions and to take responsibility Independent, performance orientated; • 能作出合理决定并独立负责,绩效导向思维 • Ability to accept and deal with criticism, ability to cope with conflicts and failure; • 接受并应对批评的能力,应付冲突与失败的能力 • Innovative and creative. • 创新与创造的能力 • Business understanding / Competences 业务了解范围 / 业务能力 • International project financing concepts; • 国际项目融资实务 • Sensitivity to different cultures. Flexible, adaptable to other people and to different situations, open minded; • 文化差异意识,灵活并能适应不同的人和环境,开放性思维 • International business operations • 国际业务运作简历请发送至tianfen.hou@ge.com 职能类别: 招投标管理 其他



