11-09 发布
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职位描述: 临床招募专员Responsibilities for Patient Recruitment Specialist?To obtain thorough knowledge of the clinical trial protocols.?To obtain thorough knowledge of the CCBR controlled documents and procedures.?To have thorough knowledge of ICH GCP and any relevant national and international law and regulation for performing clinical trials.?To obtain thorough knowledge of and understanding about recruiting subjects for clinical trials.?To develop new Health Centers and Communities relationships for patient recruitment.?To establish and maintain relationship with Health Centers and Communities.?To serve as a liaison between the company and Health Centers and Communities.Tasks for Patient Recruitment Specialist?To meet patient recruitment targets of different trails.?To identify and resolve concerns from Health Centers and Communities.?To develop and implement plans of patient recruitments.?To review patient recruitment materials.?To emphasize on the importance of communications among all parties during a studyrecruitment period.?To maximize recruiting efforts in a cost effective manner.?To establish subject target groups for the clinical trials?To complete ad hoc projects assigned by Managing Director of CRC, CCBR Beijing. 职能类别: 其他
CCBR,临床与基础研究集团公司(Clinical and Basic Research Group)由全球骨质疏松领域的开拓者与领航者Dr.Claus Christiansen于1992年创办。总部位于丹麦,是一家专门从事临床药物研究的集团公司。在全球17个国家有40多家研究型医院(即临床研究中心),并且我们提供全球一流的医学影像学分折技术及心血管安全指标分析。 西斯比亚(北京)医药技术研究有限责任公司是CCBR在中国区的子公司,创办于2005年9月。作为全球领先的SMO集团,CCBR是国内仅有的全外资SMO。在中国的业务主要包括与国内各大医院按GCP原则联合开展临床研究以及外派临床研究协调员(CRC)业务。目前我们在全国50多个城市200多家医院有CRC业务。
体检中心、医学检验所总经理 1-2万/月
实验室仪器销售 0.8-1万/月
医疗器械销售代表 20-30万/年
GMP实验室检验员 3-4.5千/月
检验员 3-5千/月
地区经理(CHC方向) 0.8-1万/月
产品推广经理 (职位编号:2) 0.6-2万/月
高级市场专员 6-8千/月
无菌检验员 4.5-6千/月
实验室主管 6-8千/月
有源检验员 4-6千/月
销售代表(生物试剂、耗材) 3-4.5千/月
高级临床教育专员(重症监护产品-医疗器械)-CME-北京 20-30万/年
试剂销售业务经理 6-8千/月
医药销售代表 4.5-6千/月