11-09 发布
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职位描述: 主要职责:1、负责容器制作过程中的质量检验和质量管理;2、负责容器施工文件、检验记录、报告的填写和审核;3、负责项目实施过程中与客户、三方检验人员的联系与沟通;4、配合项目的FAT和交工验收。职能要求:1、3年以上容器检验或质量管理经验,又卫生级容器检验或质量管理检验经验更佳;2、熟悉国内外相关容器标准规范(GB/T150、ASME、PED、BPE等)3、机械类相关专业4、大专及以上学历5、英语良好,可作工作语言 职能类别: 药品生产/质量管理
Pharmadule Morimatsu AB 法玛度森松 Pharmadule was originally founded in Stockholm, Sweden, in 1986. Pharmadule Morimatsu AB is a company fully owned by Morimatsu Industry . It is a total solution provider which provides the services of Design, Engineering, Project Management, Construction and Module Fabrication as well as Validation. Pharmadule is the innovator and global leader for providing the pharmaceutical facilities in the modular way 瑞典法玛度公司始建于1986年,自2011年起为森松集团全资拥有。为一家集设计,工程,项目管理和建造及同时提供验证服务的综合性整体解决方案公司。 为全球模块化制药工厂一体化方案的创始者和引领者。 Design & engineering and validation – More than 200 design studies performed – 迄今为全球制药行业提供了超过200个工程设计和验证方案 Modular factory – More than 65 pharma and biotech facilities delivered, 4 of them in China – 为全球制药行业提供了超过65个模块化工厂, 其中4个在中国 - NCPC EPO 华北制药金坛制药公司 - Wuxi AstraZeneca 无锡阿斯利康 - Suzhou Eli Lily 苏州利莱 - Shanghai GE Healthcare 上海通用电气药业 - Very experienced engineering, validation and project manager team with broad international experience 拥有丰富国际经验的工程设计、验证和项目经理队伍 Morimatsu (China) Group 森松集团(中国) Morimatsu (China) Group is a Japanese wholly owned subsidiary of Morimatsu Industry Co., Ltd which was established in 1947. It was the first joint venture in Shanghai Pudong district in the year 1990, and was called by Chinese media ‘Pudong No. 1’.Morimatsu mainly fabricates equipment made by stainless steel and special materials, pipe work, process modules and modular building. These products are widely applied to various industries, in particular chemical, pharmaceutical, fast moving consumer goods, nuclear and electronics. 森松集团(中国)系日本森松工业株式会社(创立于1947年)的全资集团。成立于1990年,是浦东开发开放的第一家外资公司,人称“浦字一号”。专业生产各类不锈钢及特种材料容器设备、管道工程、模块及模块化厂房,产品广泛应用于化工、制药、日化、核电、电子等行业。 Since 1990, Morimatsu (China) has achieved rapid development. Presently, Morimatsu owns 3 fabrication plants, which are Waigaoqiao Plant (Shanghai), Airport Plant (Shanghai) and Nantong Plant, and turnover in last year reaches to more than 3 Billion RMB. Now, Morimatsu keeps good and stable long-term relationship with many Fortune 500 companies and exports over half of products overseas, which attributes to our good reputation as ‘Vessel Pioneer’establish in China and even the whole world. 在中国发展的20余年,森松公司已经建成了外高桥、空港及南通如皋三个生产基地,年销售额达到30多亿人民币,在中国乃至世界范围内都有着“容器先锋”的口碑。公司与世界五百强企业建立了稳定的长期战略合作关系,50%以上的产品出口欧美及日本等国。 In 2008, Morimatsu (China) Group set an office in Huston, U.S.A., which is the first office in America. Since 2011 Pharmadule Morimatsu are part of the Morimatsu Industry Group, with the head office located in Stockholm (Sweden) and operation in Shanghai (China) and New Jersey (U.S.A.), which contributes to gain more opportunities globally. 森松集团(中国)于2008年在美国休斯敦设置了分公司。2011年,公司收购了瑞典的Pharmadule公司,并在斯德哥尔摩、美国新泽西建立了新的办公室,为森松将来进一步的扩展海外业务提供了更多的机会。
区域学术主管/经理 3.5-6千/月
有机合成高级研究员 1-2万/月
有机合成高级研究员 1-2万/月
临床专员 0.8-1.5万/月
临床专员 0.8-1.5万/月
临床项目主管 1.5-3万/月
分子生物学/肿瘤学高级研究员 1.5-2.5万/月
BD主管 2-3万/月
理化QC (职位编号:02253) 4.5-6千/月
销售代表 6-8千/月
工艺管理员 (职位编号:02281) 4.5-6千/月
生产操作员 3-4.5千/月
高级医学编辑 6-8千/月
技术支持 8-10万/年
PCR实验员 4.5-6千/月