北京相关职位: BD商务拓展经理 细胞生产技术人员 分子生物学实验技术人员 置业顾问(5000无责高底薪+高绩效+带薪培训) 产品市场专员(北京、成都) 软件工程师 临床监查员(CRA) (职位编号:WXTH-0003) OTC专员 企业客户经理 高薪聘医疗器械销售
周边城市招聘: 上海 浙江 安徽 广东 山东 河北 重庆 北京 江苏 湖南
企业入驻日期: 2017-11-09
职位描述: 岗位职责:Acting as a product manager to implement the product life-cycle management, independently or co-work with project leader1. To perform investigation in the aspect of introducing new products into APAC market2. To keep pace with industrial development frontier and define new products, especially products fit for APAC market3. To coordinate efforts from R&D, marketing, production and RA to realize new products.4. To provide academic& technical supports to promote products from different aspects.任职要求:1. At least 5 years working experiences.2. Be familiar with the process of new product introduction.3. Highly responsible and self-motivated.4. Strong executive forces and good communication skills.5. Good team spirit.6. Be good at written and verbal English. 职能类别: 医药技术研发管理人员
EUROIMMUN was founded in September 1987 and today has its headquarters in Lübeck, Germany. EUROIMMUN produces reagents for medical laboratory diagnostics. In the foreground are test systems for the determination of various antibodies in patient serum in the diagnosis of autoimmune diseases, infectious diseases and allergies. The company is based on worldwide-patented state-of-the-art production methods and microanalysis techniques and is one of the world's leading manu¬facturers of medical laboratory diagnostics. The company’s reference laboratory is unequalled in the whole field of autoimmune diagnostics. It helps EUROIMMUN customers to secure their results. With their quality and standardization, EUROIMMUN products are capturing the leading position in the world. EUROIMMUN embarked China in 1999. The Beijing office has now become the headquarters of EUROIMMUN Asia Pacific. The company sets high-standard research and production base in China and Singapore. Its sales teams cover most Asia-Pacific countries and regions such as China’s mainland, ChinaHong Kong, ChinaTaiwan, South Korea, Singapore and Thailand. With numerous global patents, state-of-the-art technology and clinical diagnostics techniques, the company wins high recognition from here and has become the leader of Asian market. 欧蒙医学实验诊断股份公司由德国吕贝克大学病理学教授Winfried Stöcker博士创建于1987年,是世界领先的医学诊断试剂及自动化仪器研发与生产的跨国企业。逾两千名员工服务于全球近200个国家及地区,其产品和服务惠及世界五大洲数万间实验室。欧蒙集团在自身免疫性疾病、感染性疾病、变态反应性疾病诊断领域拥有领先的诊断方案,在分子诊断及抗原检测等领域拥有先进的技术。同时,专业的欧蒙参考实验室为全球用户提供疑难样本的诊断和验证服务,由德国DAP(德国实验室认证机构)认证的欧蒙全球质量评价项目为广大客户提供全球实验室质量交流平台,助力客户加强实验室质量管理。 欧蒙医学诊断(中国)有限公司于1999年成立于北京,是欧蒙亚太集团总部。公司在中国、新加坡建立有先进的产品研发和生产基地,专业技术团队遍及中国各省市、中国香港、中国台湾、韩国、新加坡、泰国等亚太国家及地区。凭借提供高品质、全方位的医学诊断方案,秉承科技创新造就卓越品质,欧蒙诊断促进人类健康的企业宗旨,欧蒙的技术、产品与服务赢得了亚太地区客户的高度认可与信赖,成为医学诊断市场的领导者。
数据库构建员 4.5-6千/月
销售运营部SFE(医药行业)-北京 0.6-1万/月
客户代表(高底薪+高绩效+月薪过万) 1-1.5万/月
研发分析总监 2-5万/月
临床应用科学家 1-1.5万/月
市场推广专员(医院) 0.5-1万/月
网络销售 0.8-2万/月
销售大区经理(职位编号:BG001) 0.6-1.2万/月
未知功能蛋白质研究组技术员 6-8千/月
医学产品经理 3-4万/月
高级实验员 0.6-1.5万/月
药品注册专员 0.5-1万/月
区域销售总监 2-2.5万/月
Clinical Research Physician 临床研究医生 2.5-3万/月
理化实验员 4.5-6千/月
北京相关职位: BD商务拓展经理 细胞生产技术人员 分子生物学实验技术人员 置业顾问(5000无责高底薪+高绩效+带薪培训) 产品市场专员(北京、成都) 软件工程师 临床监查员(CRA) (职位编号:WXTH-0003) OTC专员 企业客户经理 高薪聘医疗器械销售
周边城市招聘: 上海 浙江 安徽 广东 山东 河北 重庆 北京 江苏 湖南
企业入驻日期: 2017-11-09