• 5-7年经验
  • 本科
  • 招1人
  • 11-09 发布
  • 五险一金
  • 通讯补贴
  • 定期体检
  • 餐饮补贴


职位描述: 1. 根据公司市场规划和产品的需求,研究开发有市场竞争力的符合市场需要的基于免疫发光类技术的新产品。Matching with the market and product planning demands from company strategies, we should take research and development on the products with market competitiveness in CLIA reagent technology fields.2. 负责部门内各项工作的协调安排,检查跟踪进展,发现问题并及时寻求解决方法,督促落实实施。Responsible for the management work of department: To layout various works, inspect and supervise the projects progress, correct the problems of progress in time to make sure the projects running smoothly.3. 按公司战略的任务或市场要求,开展各种新产品新项目的研发工作,按项目目标、费用、进度等要求进行项目管理和项目控制,确保项目进展顺利。Responsible for research and development of new products with market competitiveness in CLIA reagent technology fields. Keep the project management focus on key items, such as project target, cost, schedule and so on. Ensure the project progress matching with the market and product planning demands from company strategies.4. 产品文号申报技术资料编写注册(包括新产品注册,旧产品文号延续或变更注册)。注册资料涉及的有临床试验评估数据,试验记录,技术标准要求,工艺过程和研究过程技术资料,质量体系相关的工艺及技术文件等等。Organize a team to write up the relevant technical documents for the new products registration and renewal and change registration. These documents including and not limited including as experiments data, recorders, standards, processing and researching documents, quality system’s documents and so on.5. 努力创新,积极发展技术合作和技术引进工作;发展和维护外部技术专家关系。Take more efforts to actively innovate and widely cooperate with key technical sources, do well work for internally assimilated and externally cooperated with key innovation sources; Developing and maintaining relationship between external technical experts.6. 培训培养技术人员,管理和激励团队,建立稳定可靠技术能力强的技术团队。Take good training for technical personnel, Manage and motivate the team to get a powerful and reliable technicalstrength for efficiency of products development.7. 完成上级交代的其他工作任务。Finished other works ordering from higher authority.资历要求:1、医学检验、生物、化学、免疫等相关专业本科以上学历;工程师以上技术职称水平;Bachelor degree or above, majored in clinical medical laboratory, biological technology, chemical engineering, immunology or other related fields; Technical titles with engineer or above;2、有免疫发光领域产品开发管理经验5年以上,具备产品技术理论知识和技能,有团队组建与管理经验;独立领导过3人以上的开发团队;More than 5 years management experiences on CLIA reagent product development; Known well with product technology knowledge and skills, Great experiences on team building and management; Had managed a development team, in which there are more than 3 people;3、熟悉医疗器械的注册、生产等相关法规,有医疗器械注册经验的优先。More familiar with registration, manufacture process and other relevant regulations of medical device products, preferred for the personnel who had done the works of medical device registration.4、熟悉体外诊断试剂类产品注册及生产的相关法规;或熟练掌握免疫发光技术学诊断试剂研究、开发及工艺改进等专项技能;More familiar with registration and relevant regulations of in vitro diagnostic reagent products; Or more familiar with the professional knowledge for R&D, quality control and processing of CLIA reagent products.5、有良好的团队合作能力、较强的语言表达能力;可熟练操作常见的办公软件;Powerful ability to cooperation with others and teams, Great communication and language expression; More familiar with common office software;6、英文有一定的听说读写能力,可独立阅读翻译英文文献;CET英语4级以上。Some ability to listen, speak and write in English, Feel free to read English technical literature and translate it to Chinese; Got English professional certification with more than 4 grade.7、身体健康。 Good health.能力要求:1、熟悉行业产品及技术情况,对国际最新行业技术动态有一定的掌握和了解,较深入熟悉免疫学或生物化学相关技术;Familiar with the currently situation of immunology industry products and technology; well known with the updated news or information of international technology developments; Deeply familiar with the technology knowledge of immunology, biology chemical and related technologies;2、优秀的团队组建与管理能力,思维敏捷,有较强的应变能力;Great ability for team building and department management, powerful ability to settle with troublesome tings with high agile thought;3、学习能力、有责任心、判断与决策能力、问题解决能力、人际关系处理能力;Great self-learning ability, powerful sense of responsibility, great ability for judgment, decision-making and problem-solving, Well known for interpersonal relationship handling;4、良好的沟通技巧,有良好的团队协作精神;Good communication skills and higher sprit of team cooperation;5、计划性、有抱负、团队合作精神、过程管理、工具(电脑/外语)应用力。Great ability for planning and process management, good characteristics of ambitious and team coordination spirit, familiarly using the working tools (computer/software/foreign language). 职能类别: 生物工程/生物制药




英科新创公司成立于1989年,是国内最著名的体外诊断试剂厂家之一,专业从事体外诊断试剂的研发、生产和营销。 英科新创公司已成功开发了酶联免疫诊断试剂、胶体金快速诊断试剂、临床生物化学诊断试剂、血型检测试剂、易捷系列血糖仪、干式生化分析仪、血红蛋白分析仪等医疗器械及相应检测试剂等诊断产品。公司的销售网络覆盖全国各省市自治区,产品远销美国、欧洲、南美、非洲、中东和东南亚等八十多个国家与地区并受到广泛好评,主要产品还被列入世界卫生组织(WHO)和联合国儿童基金会等采购名录。
