11-09 发布
职位描述: Essential Responsibilities The target of the Edison Engineering Development Program is to grow high caliber, technically superior, self-confident technology leaders in GE Healthcare. EEDP accelerates development of entry-level career and produces leaders capable of meeting the challenges facing the engineering function at GE. EEDP is a 2-year program that allows members to build leadership and functional skills through challenging rotational assignments and world-class training. Through these job assignments and training, program members are involved in many of GE's strategic initiatives. Graduates from EEDP will be select and join one of the functional teams in GEHC Science and Technology Operation (STO) China, based on availability of positions, the interviewers’ assessment and the program member’s preference. Role and Responsibilities: • Finish the 2 years rotational program in GEHC technology functions • Rotate 2~4 job assignments, each in 6~12 month long. Should finish the job assignments and meet the evaluation criteria in each rotation. • Complete A/B courses & corporate trainings defined in the program, as well as the associated homework with required quality rating. • Complete at least one A or B course project (mostly team project) with measurable results. About Us GE is the world's Digital Industrial Company, transforming industry with software-defined machines and solutions that are connected, responsive and predictive. Through our people, leadership development, services, technology and scale, GE delivers better outcomes for global customers by speaking the language of industry. Role Summary/Purpose Edison Engineering Development Program (EEDP) is a key entry point for engineering professionals in GE. This program is designed to attract high potential engineering candidates and to help develop their technical skills, leadership abilities and business acumen in their early career stage. Qualifications/Requirements • Doctor/Master degree with Engineering or healthcare industry related background such as Biomedical Engineering, physics etc. • Has accumulated certain level of technical foundation in a particular area with practical engineering project or research work • Has a strong commitment to a career in technology in GEHC • Has leadership potential, and demonstrated analytic approach to problem solving. • Is an active & quick learner • Geographic mobility (this is a rotational program and locations vary by job assignments) • Other desired characteristics include: well-developed written and oral communication skills, business acumen, integrity, self-motivation, maturity, and ability to deal effectively with stressful situations. • Preference will be given to doctor/master degree candidates that have prior intern, co-op, or research experience in the clinical research such as clinical trial, new medical solution of medical devices. 职能类别: 其他
GE医疗集团通过提供革新性的医疗技术和服务,开创医疗护理的新时代。GE医疗在医学成像、信息技术、医疗诊断、患者监护系统、药物研发、生物制药技术、卓越运营和整体运营解决方案等领域拥有广泛的专业技术,能够帮助客户以更低的成本为全世界更多的人提供更优质的服务。 GE医疗从1979 年开始在中国开展业务,于1986年在北京成立了第一个办事处。GE 医疗在中国建立了包括独资和合资企业在内的多个经营实体,拥有员工 4,500 多名。GE 医疗在中国共拥有七个全球生产基地:在北京建有CT扫描系统、磁共振成像系统 和 X 光成像系统工厂,在上海有生命科学基地,在无锡建有超声和患者监护仪设备工厂,在桐庐建有滤纸生产基地,在深圳建有医用面罩生产基地。其中,在北京的GE(中国)医疗工业园区,占地 6万平方米,是 GE 医疗集团全球最大的生产和研发基地之一。
质检员(生物学) 3-4.5千/月
生产组装调试兼售后(生物仪器、医疗设备) 3-5千/月
技术支持工程师 4-8千/月
PCR研发项目经理 0.6-1万/月
制剂研发项目主管 0.8-1万/月
分析研发专员 6-8千/月
医药临床项目经理 10-20万/年
医药代表 4.5-6千/月
技术支持 3-6千/月
第三终端地区经理 10-15万/年
成本测算会计 3-4.5千/月
采购工程师 (职位编号:008) 4.5-6千/月
高端房产销售代表就近分配+1对1带教+5险1金+ 0.7-2万/月