• 无工作经验
  • 本科
  • 招1人
  • 11-09 发布
  • 五险一金
  • 补充医疗保险
  • 补充公积金


职位描述: RESPONSIBILITIES:This role will report to the Regional Security Director (RSD) East Asia. This position is predominantly responsible for the coordination of office security in Abbott Shanghai offices and sites, together with administration support to the RSD in various Global Security programs across the region. Due to the high level of travel conducted by the RSD, this role will require 24/7 readiness to respond to any issues at the Shanghai offices.Office Security Coordinator duties-Enforcement of relevant policies in the Shanghai offices (ensuring access cards are worn, that there is no tailgating into the offices, ensuring visitors are escorted by hosting staff , etc) if it is needed , and escalation of issues to the RSD.-Assist in the implementation and maintenance of office EHS related processes as directed.-Proactive identification of issues with security systems and liaison with vendors to swiftly resolve such issues.-Assist internal incident and investigation through physical security analysisProduct Integrity Admin Support-Administration support to the Product Integrity program in the region, to include the comprehensive logging of all budget proposals, reports, actions taken and results achieved involved in counterfeit and diversion cases.-Where possible, assist the RSD in entering Navex data.-Assist the RSD in case management, including when required following up on task completion with vendors.Information Security tasks-Information Security enforcement duties to include desk clean campaign and check.-Assist the RSD on other Information security related investigations, searching and coordination activitiesGeneral Security Administration tasks-Security administration support to business units across the region as directed by the Regional Security Director.-Tender management; producing RFPs, reviewing proposals submitted by contractors/suppliers, submitting Security Manager for final approvals.-Liaising with HR for new Joiners, Leavers and Movers to facilitate necessary security related processes (new joiner checklist to include induction, leaver checklist, etc.).Operational level security tasks to improve security culture / awareness-Under direction of the RSD, monitor operational level threat developments, such as upcoming risk events (like protests). Draft security notification emails to be sent to all staff in the affected market.-Conduct onboarding for new hires (introduction to Global Security; overview of Abbott security requirements in regards to Office Security, Travel Security, etc).-Conduct Situational Awareness training in partnership with the RSD.Support to the Security Quality Review process-Following up with Security Coordinators across the region for the implementation of findings from Security Reviews of all sites. Assisting where possible / appropriate (to include involvement in tender processes).-Conducting Security Reviews of lower profile sites (warehouses, smaller offices).Support to Crisis Management-Be ready to receive calls on a 24/7 basis, and respond to incidents or crisis either at a) the Shanghai offices (such as fire alarm), or b) anywhere in the region if the RSD requires administrative support (such as the significant administration involved in evacuations).-When rolled out, manage the upkeep of accurate staff contact data in the electronic crisis communication system. Ensure accuracy through monthly review and update of contact details for all staff across the region.Support to Travel Security Management-Under direction of the RSD, formally write up the local process for managing Travel Security (receiving of traveler alerts, reaching out to would be travelers, delivery of pre-travel briefs by RSD, sending out of traveler security protocol documents).-Maintain accurate logs to show each of the required steps has been completed for each traveler.-Contribute to the development of Traveler Security Protocol Documents for all Elevated and Restricted countries in the region.-Contribute to the process of ongoing review and maintenance of the Security Approved Hotels list across the region, interface with Abbott sourcing to ensure only approved hotels are used.Role will involve up to 20% travel, and occasional work requirements outside of standard working hours.REQUIREMENTS:?Must have experience working in similar roles based in the Shanghai, preferably within a western based multi-national company.?A minimum of 3 years total experience in security administration and security guarding?Strong interpersonal skills. Demonstrated track record of representing the Security Function through dignified, professional interaction with all levels of an organization, along with extensive interaction with external security vendors.?Ability to address breaches in policy through credible, polite but clear communication with the individual/s involved.?Strong technical aptitude; proficiency in Microsoft Word, plus experience working with security systems software. Must have the ability to quickly familiarize with and manage new systems. 职能类别: 其他




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